Info_Programas Internacionales

Other International Programmes

There is a wide variety of foundations, institutions, companies, etc. that offer, through specific calls, grants, contracts, funding programs, etc. for the development of projects or research actions in the following areas: Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering, and Social Sciences and Humanities.

We can find, among others: Simons Foundation, Google Foundation, European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO), U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), Volkswagen Foundation, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, American Psychological Foundation, etc.

Other International Projects

FRIJUM: Causes of Bargaining Failure

Specific programme: The Research Council of Norway - Independent basic research projects - Humanities and Social Sciences (FRIHUMSAM)
UPV/EHU Partner Status:  Partner
UPV/EHU PI: Nagore Irriberri Etxebeste
Project start: 01/01/2016
Project end:   31/12/2020

Brief description:  The workhorse model of bargaining in economics and political science assume rational agents and complete and perfect information. This model is unable to account for delay or breakdown in bargaining. An emerging theoretical literature explores behavioral causes of bargaining failure, such as biased beliefs, commitments, and lack of common knowledge rationality. We propose to add to this literature, by formulating models and by performing systematic evaluation of competing hypotheses in controlled experiments. The first part of the project addresses bilateral bargaining.

The second part of the project varies according to the broader institutions in which bargaining takes place. Rational bargainers in complete information environments will in general not produce delay or breakdown. However, actual bargaining is conducted in a variety of broader institutional settings - such as markets with matching frictions and various forms of third party intervention. This may give rise to informational challenges that affects efficiency in bargaining. We focus on two aspects of the institutional environment: Institutionalized third party intervention and bargaining embedded in frictional markets.


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