Info_Programas Internacionales

Other International Programmes

There is a wide variety of foundations, institutions, companies, etc. that offer, through specific calls, grants, contracts, funding programs, etc. for the development of projects or research actions in the following areas: Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering, and Social Sciences and Humanities.

We can find, among others: Simons Foundation, Google Foundation, European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO), U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), Volkswagen Foundation, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, American Psychological Foundation, etc.

Other International Projects

Novel Sensors based on Laser Ablated Graphene

Specific programme: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) – Science for Peace Programme
UPV/EHU Partner Status:  Leader
UPV/EHU Supervisor: Radmila Tomovska
Project start: 01/05/2017
Project end:   30/04/2020

Brief description:  This project is focused on development of gas sensors based on polymer/graphene composites based on two techniques: on one side production of water borne composites by emulsion polymerization techniques and on the other, ablation of these composites by IR or UV lasers and preparation of electrically conductive thin films. The specific thermal process occurring during laser ablation leads to ablative deposition of materials which cannot be produced by slow conventional heating.

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