Info_Programas Internacionales

Other International Programmes

There is a wide variety of foundations, institutions, companies, etc. that offer, through specific calls, grants, contracts, funding programs, etc. for the development of projects or research actions in the following areas: Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering, and Social Sciences and Humanities.

We can find, among others: Simons Foundation, Google Foundation, European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO), U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), Volkswagen Foundation, Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, American Psychological Foundation, etc.

Other International Projects

Scientific Support for Mars Express Visual Monitoring Camera

ESA logo

Specific programme: European Space Agency (ESA) – Express Procurement ("Expro")
UPV/EHU Partner Status:  Contractor
UPV/EHU PI: María Teresa del Río
Project start: 01/11/2016
Project end:   31/10/2018

Brief description:  The Group of Planetary Sciences of the UPV/EHU will provide support for the development of the scientific use of an on-board VMC camera for the Mars Express mission. The tasks to be carried out during the contract include: 
(a) Scientific support for the planning of future observations and the implementation of the data base for both previous and future images
(b) the development of algorithms for the scientific analysis of the images obtained (the study of atmospheric dynamics, cloud characterization and morphology, properties of aerosols, characterization of the polar cap)
(c) Analysis of the potential of the images to contribute to the improvements of the global circulation models of Mars and models for radiative transfer. 
(d) The development of image mosaics and composition of global videos of dynamic phenomena, for use as much in the scientific context as in general dissemination.

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