Specific programme: EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary
UPV/EHU PI: Sara de la RICA
Project start: 01/10/2018
Project end: 30/09/2021
Brief description: The project aims at evaluating employment initiatives targeting youth in Spain, Hungary, Italy and Poland. The participating countries share common challenges of high youth unemployment and low capacity to perform high quality impact studies of youth employment initiatives.
The project will evaluate two set of initiatives: outreach activities of Public Employment Services (PES) and job trials/job subsidies to different job contracts offered to youth, with a particular attention paid to gender dimension of policy targeting and outcomes. We will use harmonized methods of evaluation based on similar administrative data, which are little explored in Central-East and South European countries.
In addition, the project will build capacity in research institutions to implement evaluation studies of employment initiatives by creating a transnational research network on youth employment policies, internships for PhD students and workshops on evaluation methods for researchers from other institutions. It will also promote the use of impact studies among policy-makers.