EBB: European Marine Biological Resource Centre Biobank
Specific programme: INTERREG Atlantic Area 2020 Transnational Cooperation Programme
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary
UPV/EHU PI: Ibon Cancio
Project start: 16/10/2017
Project end: 15/10/2020
Brief description: As acknowledged by the Smart Specialization Strategies (S3s) of European coastal regions, Marine Biological Resources (MBRs) are one of the main services provided by coastal ecosystems, having a great potential to promote regional economic development and employment through blue biotechnology, and thus to contribute to growth and cohesion.
The leading Marine Biobanks in Europe are located in the Atlantic Area and are part of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC). Biobanks provide Marine Biological Resources to academic and industrial researchers, and are thus the backbone for the search of unique marine genes, bioactives and biomaterials with potential for commercial development and job creation in the Atlantic Area.
The EBB project will set the basis for the common operation of the leading marine biobanks in Europe. Tools and common procedures for the ex-situ maintenance of Marine Biological Resources will be developed, and harmonization in the application of procedures to comply with regulations on access to genetic resources will be ensured. The EBB will facilitate sustainable access to marine biodiversity, its associated data, and extractable products for local and international academia and industry users and incentivize biodiversity conservation in coastal ecosystems by promoting compliance with benefit sharing regulations.