The Excellent Science pillar aims to increase the EU’s global scientific competitiveness by reinforcing and extending the excellence of the Union's science base. It supports frontier research projects defined and driven by top researchers themselves through the European Research Council, funds mobility and training fellowships for experienced researchers, doctoral training networks, exchanges for researchers and entices more young people to a career in research, through Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, and invests in integrated and inter-connected world-class research infrastructures.
Pillar 1: Excellent Science
Horizon Europe projects: Pillar 1
AiRPaDD - Advancing Reaction Platforms for Drug Discovery
Specific programme: HORIZON TMA MSCA Doctoral Networks - Industrial Doctorates
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Coordinator
UPV/EHU PI: Enrique Gómez
Project start: 01/02/2023
Project end: 31/01/2027
Brief description: This Action will contribute to the sustainable development of European chemical industries in the coming decades by delivering an ambitious doctoral training programme that draws on expertise from industry and academia across 4 European countries. The research agenda and experiential training will grow the skills base beyond approaches that have relied upon a limited set of molecular scaffolds and a relatively small sub-set of reactions to exploit new reaction paradigms and platforms (e.g. high throughput experimentation, photoredox & electrochemistry) that meet the needs of modern drug discovery science.
Contact information:
International R&D Office UPV/EHU