Horizon 2020

GI-NI: Growing Inequality: a Novel Integration of transformations research

Specific programme: Societal Challenges SC6: Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies

UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary

UPV/EHU PI: Alfonso Unceta

Project start: 01/04/2021
Project end:   31/03/2025

Brief description: GI-NI aims to contribute to an inclusive Europe of shared prosperity, by providing a better understanding of the changes and joint impact of three major transformations: technological progress, globalisation and migration; and offering policy and governance solutions to better equip citizens and companies, securing more equal opportunities and outcomes. We use a multidisciplinary research approach by a top-tier consortium with international stakeholder engagement throughout the project. GI-NI has five objectives: 1. Measure impacts of the three transformations on work, skills, and inequality; 2. Synthesize and analyse their interaction; 3. Foster dialogue and co-create future options with stakeholders; 4. Collect and consolidate data and produce future projections; 5. Identify policy and governance options for inclusion and equality. GI-NI generates this by: building on state-of-the-art research and other EU projects; using innovative methods; combining EU-wide and international micro- and macro-data; addressing gaps in knowledge and insights on data, joint impacts, and futures. We generate three new outcomes: 1. New scientific understanding of joint impacts of transformations; 2. Multilateral policy solutions; 3. New evidence in support of a robust EU policy strategy. GI-NI carefully disseminates and valorises results.

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