EUROREG - Euroregion New Aquitaine, Basque Country, Navarre

The Aquitaine-Basque Country Euroregion was created in 2011 as a cross-border cooperation programme with the Aquitaine-Basque Country Region. This cooperation has contributed to bringing the populations closer together and to building the identity of this new regional group.

Its objective is to carry out actions that contribute to economic, social and cultural development throughout the Euroregion; facilitating and promoting cross-border cooperation among its members, in order to strengthen economic and territorial cohesion within the European Union.

This territorial cooperation area seeks integrated development in the following areas, mainly:

  • R&D&I.
  • Environment and sustainable development.
  • Accessibility.
  • Sustainable urban development.
  • Culture, promotion of mutual knowledge of the languages ​​of the Euroregion.
  • Cooperation in Education and Training.
  • Treatment of issues related to agriculture and food.

EUROREG Projects

Bide Onena - Artificial intelligence techniques to reduce energy consumption in mobile robotics

Specific Programme: Euroregional Innovation
Grant Agreement: 2023-64

Project Objective:

The general objective of the project is research into technologies based on artificial intelligence and conceptual development to reduce energy consumption and autonomous mobile robotics to increase precision.

To achieve this general objective, the following specific objectives are defined:

  • Optimization of general parameters of Plant Efficiency, reduction of energy consumption and increase of the operating margin and dynamics of the systems, and increase of quality and repeatability.
  • Reduce energy consumption by 5%, both of the signal obtained from the digital twin and the robot, without reducing the precision between the mobile
  • Perform energy control to optimize operation when necessary. Design a solution and adjust the amount of energy according to needs and conditions.

Research team:

Partner entities:

  • University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV / EHU) (Project Leader)

Total budget: € 151,300.9 (UPV / EHU: 30,519.4€)
Grant awarded: 72,908€ (UPV/EHU: 15,000€)

Project start: 15/12/2023
Project end: 15/06/2025
Total project duration: 18 months

Project summary: Mobile robots are widely used in logistics in sectors such as automotive, food and health. the design of a robot. It can be the main criterion for making an investment. In fact, the energy consumption of robots (industrial and mobile) in production processes is around 8% of total electrical energy consumption. Therefore, reducing energy consumption in mobile robotics is essential to improve the efficiency of manufacturing systems.

More information about the programme:

Euroregion website: Call for projects "Euroregional citizenship" | Eurorégion Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Euskadi, Navarra (