ERASMUS Projects

Bringing the European Union closer to School: an approach through ICT

Official project website

Specific programme: Financed through Life Long Learning programme (2008-2013) and currently Erasmus+. JEAN MONNET projects.
UPV/EHU Partner Status:  Coordinator
UPV/EHU PI: Nicolás Alonso Moreda, Juan Soroeta Liceras & M.ª Dolores Bollo Arocena
Project start: 01/09/2013
Project end: 31/08/2015

Brief description: The final purpose of this project, in its current edition, is to build bridges for the inclusion of subjects on European integration within the framework of secondary education, where they still do not have presence, enough visibility or, at best, are addressed transversally. Accordingly, the main objectives of this project can be enumerated as follows: 1. To help visualizing the EU and the European integration within the framework of secondary school studies; 2. To help with the academic/teaching training of those in whose hands is the most elementary education of our young people, providing them with the information, materials and skills necessary to reflect more adequately the work of the EU and the importance of the European integration in their daily reality; 3. To encourage the debate concerning current and relevant matters for the Basque, Spanish and European society in general linked to the work of the EU; 4. To help involving both education authorities, schools and students themselves in everything related to the European integration by means of different leisure activities.These are to be achieved through: 1. A specialized course/seminar with secondary school teachers titled "European Union in Secondary School: The EU 4 key aspects in a nutshell", with a series of on-site sessions and one online session; 2. Promoting the signature of agreements/covenants with the education authorities that may allow a greater recognition both of the subjects addressed and the activities developed in this project within the scope of secondary education and, specially, the consolidation of an improvement course for teachers regarding the EU within the programme GARATU ( of the Basque Government; 3. Organizing a cycle of conferences and round-tables under a common title: "Current Issues of the EU integration" addressing themes highly topical and of special relevance within the framework of the EU, not only for secondary school teachers