ERASMUS Projects

ECBS: European Cross-Border Skills

European Cross Border Skills project

Specific programme: Erasmus+ Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership for higher education
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Partner
UPV/EHU PI: Itziar Rekalde Rodríguez
UPV/EHU PI2: Jose Luis Pizarro Sanz
Project start: 2017/09/01
Project end: 2020/08/31

Brief description: This project intends to build a joint reference framework to accredit cross-border skills between all participating partners. The accreditation will be promoted through an online platform to make the skills visible.

The aims are twofold: 1) enhancing and recognizing the skills acquired in a formal or informal way by students and by the staff of the universities who operate on a daily basis in a cross-border context, and 2) promoting existing tools and devices that allow the acquisition of cross-border competences and skills in order to make them more visible and promote access. 

This project is promoted by Université du Pau et des Pays d`Adour (UPPA) and the fourth cross-border university groupings are: a) Franco-Spanish grouping with UPPA, Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR) and The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU); b) Franco-German-Luxembourgish-Belgian grouping with Université de la Grande Région/ Universität der Grossregion and Universität des Saarlandes; c) Franco-German grouping with Eucor and finally, d) Franco-Italian grouping with Université Savoie Mont Blanc and Università della Valle D`Aosta.