ERASMUS Projects

EUATXX - The European Union at the Crossroads: The Major Challenges of the European Integration Project

Specific programme: Erasmus+ Programme – Jean Monnet Activities. Teaching and Research: Modules, Chairs and Centres of Excellence

Research team:

Coordinator : Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Total budget: UPV/EHU: 40.572€
Total funded: UPV/EHU: 40.572€

Start date: 01/03/2018
End date: 31/12/2018
Total duration: 10 months

Brief description:

The tasks carried out in the project are:

  • Training courses “The European Union at the crossroads”.
  • First edition (February- July 2019)
  • Second edition (February-July 2020)
  • Third edition (February-July 2021)

2. Teaching/Didactic materials: teachers have been hanging the materials of each of the

modules on the platform enabled by the University of the Basque Country

3. Scientific Meetings

  1. “Prohibicion de ayudas de Estadoen la Unión en la Unión Europea: relación con el derecho interno y el derecho foral" (May 2019)
  2. “Vuelta a los orígenes: La Unión Europea como garantía de paz, solidaridad y desarrollo económico y social”(March 2021)
  3. “Lucha contra el terrorismo (Seguridad), inmigración y derechos humanos" (April 2021)

4. Enabling a website as a reference platform for the Module: With the objective of centralizing the activities foreseen in this module and giving them the greatest visibility.