POLYGLOT+: Teacher Capacity Building for second language acquisition in preschool

Specific programme: Erasmus+ KA2
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary
UPV/EHU PI: Mari Mar Boillos, Miren Ibarluzea
Project start: 01/10/2019
Project end: 30/09/2021
Brief description: Polyglot+ builds on a former project Polyglot under the leadership of Kindervilla focusing on early language aquisition. Partners identified the huge difference in between the needs of foreign and 2nd language acquisition.
Therefore, Polyglot+ is specifically focused on the aspect of 2nd language acquisition. Scientific research is underlining the central role of mother tongue in the acquisition of host country, 2nd language of children from families with migrant background. If the first language acquisition is interrupted by the entry to the national education system, the initial limited cognitive academic skills lead to a continuous limitation as it reduces the possibilities of its own further development. Results are limited skills of reading, writing and other performance in school. Especially for reading, there is broad scientific documentation in 14 countries.