ERASMUS Projects

EngiMath: Mathematics on-line learning model in engineering education

Specific programme: Erasmus+ KA2
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary
Project start: 01/11/2018
Project end: 31/09/2020

Brief description:  The thrust for innovation, exploration, and utilization of new techniques and technologies continues unabated at all levels of education and this is particularly evident within the Higher Education (HE) sphere. All subject areas within the HE sphere are being addressed, none more so than those described under the general term of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Within any engineering education program the subject of mathematics is given special attention. The mathematics curriculum may be explicitly stated within the design of the program in the form of separate modules or delivered implicitly within associated modules. Mathematics and its associated subjects are fundamental elements of engineering education and an engineer is expected to demonstrate proficiency in the area. The contemporary skillset of undergraduates includes a degree of sophistication in the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) within their daily lives as well as within the higher education environment.

Successful entry into first year study at a Higher Education Institution (HEI) represents the beginning of a period of transition and adjustment for many students. Many students will have just completed second-level education where the environment is, strictly defined, controlled, and attendance is compulsory. Third level study flips the role of responsibility onto the student and this may cause stress and difficulty in the transition to self-directed learning and autonomy promotion.