Format and evaluation
25 years united by Accounting. 25th anniversary ASEPUC (1991-2016)
Bilbao, June14-17, 2016

Papers format
Submissions should be sent in Word format, with DIN A4 format, font Times New Roman, 12 points, spaces of 1.5, and with upper, lower and side margins of 2.5 cm, and with spacing 0 points above and 6 points down. View submission rules of Communications of Revista de Contabilidad- Spanish Accounting Review.
Communications / Papers should not exceed 8,000 words (approximately 20 pages), including references and annexes. Summaries-proposals of communication, with 2,000 words approximated, will also be considered, but priority will be given to the complete communications received initially.
First File: A first page where is included the title of the paper, authors, subject area, up to 5 keywords and abstract not exceeding 150 words.
Second File: Full Communication / Paper. Including the title, abstract and key words, and then the full paper.
Submissions will be evaluated anonymously by two members of the Scientific Committee of the Meeting.
Authors will be notified of the outcome of the review of its work before April 30.
Those who have submitted only summaries/proposals must submit the full paper / communication before May 15, 2016.
The sending of text communication IMPLIES PERMISSION OF THE AUTHORS for publication in the the proceedings book of the XVII ASEPUC Congress. If you do not want your communication to be published, YOU MUST EXPLICITLY LET US KNOW BEFORE MAY 1 by sending an email to
Once accepted by the reviewers, the DEFINITIVE ACCEPTANCE of the communication, ITS PRESENTATION AND ITS INCLUSION IN THE CONGRESS PROCCEDINGS will be subject to the registration of the author or authors before May 15, 2016.