Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting
25 años unidos por la Contabilidad. 25 Aniversario ASEPUC (1991-2016)
Bilbao, 14, 15, 16 y 17 de Junio de 2016

Dates: From 14th to the 15th of June, 2016. Immediately before the congress
Organized by the Department of Financial Economy I of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
In collaboration with the European Accounting Association.
Faculty: The Faculty will be composed of prominent figures in the field:
- Begoña Giner Inchausti, Catedrática de la Universidad de Valencia
- Andrés Guiral Contreras, Associate Professor, Yonsei University ( Seoul)
- Manuel Larrán Jorge, Catedrático de la Universidad de Cádiz
- William Rees, Professor University of Edinburg
Venu: Faculty of Business Administration, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre 83
48015 Bilbao
- Application deadline: 2th of May, 2016
- Announcement of the selected works: 6th of May, 2016
- Period for sending the presentation: From 6th to 20th of May, 2016.
- Capital Markets
- Auditing
- Management Accounting
- Ethics, Social responsibility and Corporate governance
Given that the Doctoral Colloquium will be open to young European researchers, the languages of the application and the presentation must be English.
The application form must be filled in by the researcher and his/her director and sent to