25 years united by Accounting. 25th anniversary ASEPUC (1991-2016)
Bilbao, June14-17, 2016

The Spanish University Accounting Lecturers Assocation ASEPUC has trusted the Department of Financial Economics I of the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) for the organization, in Bilbao, of its seventeenth meeting. This Congress will take place in Bilbao (Spain).
Members of the Association and other colleagues teachers of accounting in different Spanish, Latin American and European universities are invited to participate actively in this Congress. Their contribution will increase the basic and applied knowledge in Accounting and Auditing.
This invitation is extended to everyone who is interested in accounting and financial information teaching, as well as to accounting professionals whose work is outside the University.
ASEPUC celebrates this year its 25th anniversary. Our Association was established on May 31, 1991, and during these years has organized more than 100 seminars and workshops of research and teaching of accounting.
It is a great honor for us to organize this year the XVII ASEPUC Congress, with the slogan "25 years united by Accounting", which aims to meet the expectations and needs of the audience. We are preparing a meeting to satisfy current research concerns of university accounting teachers, in which our work will receive the necessary feedback through against papers. We also have the collaboration of the Spanish Accounting Review for possible publication (on request from the authors) of the selected works. But we also want to offer a meeting to share experiences, build teams, develop networks, and enjoy friends, colleagues and the gastronomic and cultural wealth of our land.
We would be delighted to celebrate this 25th anniversary with you all. We are looking forward of seeing you all in Bilbao.