Deadline and fess

25 years united by Accounting. 25th anniversary ASEPUC (1991-2016)

Bilbao, June14-17, 2016

Registration deadline

  • The registration deadline is 15th May 2016.
  • To make your registration fill in the "Registration Form"

Registration fees

Fess Prices
ASEPUC member* 250,00 €
Non ASEPUC members 384,00 €

The ASEPUC´s scholarchip holders and the fellow doctors awarded with a scholarship of ASEPUC will be exempt from registration fees.

Registration includes

The registration to the meeting includes: Congress´ accreditation, conference documentation, attendance at meetings, lunches, coffee breaks, official receptions and dinners.


All cancellations must be notified by email to the organization committee and are subject to the following conditions:

  • Before 30th April 32016: The total amount minus € 30 for management expenses will be returned. All refunds will be made after the congress ended
  • After 1st May 2016: No refunds will be made.