Larraza, S. & Diaz de Gereñu, L. (2023). “Teacher attitudes towards and practice relating to linguistic diversity: How do we revitalize Basque, the local minority language?”. XIX International Conference on Minority Languages. June 20-23, Carmarthen (UK).
Merino, A. & Larraza, S. (2023). “Arrazakeria eta eskola: nazioarteko ume adoptatuen kasua” [Racism and school: The case of internationally adopted children]. V Congreso Internacional en Inclusion Social y Educativa. June 1-2, Bilbao (Basque Country).
Larraza, S. & Munarriz-Ibarrola, A. (2019). “Elebidun goiztiarrak: nola hauteman, hala ekoitzi?” [Bilingües tempranos: ¿producen tal cual perciben?]. Euskara oinarri eta eleaniztasuna helburu jardunaldiak. October 4-5, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country).
Larraza, S., Samuel, A., & Molnar, M. (2017). “Diskriminazio fonemikoaren garapena euskara-gaztelania haur elebidunengan” [Desarrollo de la discriminación fonológica en niños bilingües de euskera-castellano]. Hizkuntzalari Euskaldunen III.Topaketa. July 4, Baiona (Basque Country).
Van Ommen, S., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Larraza, S., Wellmann, C., Bijeljac-Babic, R., Höhle, B. & Nazzi, T. (2017). “Language-specific sensitivity to prosodic boundaries. Evidence from French- and German-learning infants”. Workshop on Infant Language Development. June 15-17, Bilbao (Basque Country).
Van Ommen, S., Boll-Avetisyan, N., Larraza, S., Wellmann, C., Bijeljac-Babic, R., Höhle, B. & Nazzi, T. (2017). “Phonetic cues in French prosodic boundaries and infant prosodic processing”. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe conference. June 12-14, Cologne (Germany).
Boll-Avetisyan, N., Larraza, S., Rose, A., Margules, S., Bijeljac-Babic, R., Nazzi, T. & Höhle, B. (2016). "Categorical perception of lexical stress: A cross-linguistic study". Poster presented at the Conference on Laboratory Phonology. July 13-16, New York, US.
Larraza, S., Wellmann, C., Bijeljac-Babic, R., Höhle, B. & Nazzi, T. (2016). "Early prosodic boundary processing: Evidence from French learning infants". Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies. May 26-28, New Orleans, US.
Larraza, S., Molnar, M. & Samuel, A. (2015). "The Development of Phonemic Discrimination in Spanish-Basque Bilingual Infants". Poster presented at the Workshop on Infant Language Development. June 10-12, Stockholm, Sweden.
Larraza, S. & Best, C. (2014). "Regional Accent Variation in the L1 and L2: How do early bilinguals and late L2-learners deal with it?". Spoken presentation given at the Variation in Language Acquisition conference. December 3-5, Grenoble, France.
Larraza, S. (2014). "Hizkuntza eta Burmuinaren Arteko Elkarrizketa" (The Conversation Between Language and Brain). Invited Talk at the 4th Workshop on the Transmission of Basque. May 6, Eibar, Basque Country.
Larraza, S. & Samuel, A.G. (2013). "Do Spanish-Basque and French-Basque Simultaneous Bilinguals Perceive Basque Dialectal Variation Differently?". Poster presented at the Psychonomics Society: Annual Scientific Meeting. November 14-17, Toronto, Canada.
Larraza, S. & Samuel, A.G. (2013). "Perceiving Dialectal Variation in L2: The effect of AoA". Poster presented at the AMLaP -Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing- Conference. September 2-4, Marseille, France.
Larraza, S. & Samuel, A.G. (2013). "How is Dialectal Variation Treated by Bilinguals with Different Native Dialects?". Poster presented at the ESCOP Conference. August 29- September 1, Budapest, Hungary.
Samuel, A.G. & Larraza, S. (2012). "Is Listening to Non-Native (L2) Speakers Detrimental to Native (L1) Speakers?". Spoken presentation given at the Psychonomics Society: Annual Scientific Meeting. November 15-18, Minneapolis, US.
Larraza, S. (2012). "Nola Hautematen dute Euskalki Aldagarritasuna Natiboak ez diren Hiztun Trebeek?" (How do Proficient Non-Native Listeners Perceive Dialectal Variation?). Invited Talk at the IKER-CNRS Research Center. March 26, Bayonne, France.
Larraza, S. (2009). "Acquisition of Phonology and Spanish-Basque Bilinguals' Phonological System". Poster presented at Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs en Acquisition du Langage. December 3-4, Lyon, France.