Maider Huarte

Maider Huarte

(Departament of Language and Literature Didactics Faculty of Education of Bilbao Barrio Sarriena s/n 48940 Leioa)


Electronic mail


Maider Huarte has a degree in English Philology (1998, University of Deusto) and a PhD in Basque Linguistics and Philology (2007, UPV/EHU). Between 2007 and 2021 she was a lecturer at Begoñako Andra Mari University College of Education (BAM). Since then, she has been working as an assistant lecturer at the Department of Language and Literature Didactics at the Faculty of Education of the UPV/EHU. She also participates in the online Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training (UEU-UPV/EHU) and in the Master's Degree in Basque Studies at the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne (Aquitaine, France).

Her teaching and research interests focus on first and second language acquisition and didactics. She has also carried out important work as a pedagogical advisor in early childhood and primary schools in the Basque Autonomous Community.

Research areas

Language acquisition, early bilingualism, multilingualism, first and second language teaching.


- Native and foreign language teaching (Degree in Early Childhood Education, UPV/EHU)

- Didactics of Language and Literature (Degree in Early Childhood Education, UPV/EHU)

- Foundations of language teaching for early childhood education in a multilingual context (Degree in Early Childhood Education, UPV/EHU)

- Language Acquisition (Degree in Early Childhood Education, BAM)

- Early introduction to the Basque language (Degree in Early Childhood Education, BAM)

- Didactics of the Third Language: English (Degree in Early Childhood Education, BAM)

Participation in research projects

• “Evaluación del lenguaje en bi-/multilingües del País Vasco”. (MCIU-NO23/P52). Principal Investigators: Amaia Munarriz Ibarrola and Maria Jose Ezeizabarrena Segurola. Begin/End: 09-01-2024/08-31-2027

• “Haur hezkuntzako Mugimendu Autonomoa ikuspegi diziplinartekotik ikertzen” (HEZKUNTZA23/09) Principal Investigators: Mikel Iruskieta Quintian and Maider Huarte Abasolo. Begin/End: 01-01-2023/12-31-2024.

• "(HIJE-3) Hizkuntzaren irakaskuntza, jabekuntza, eta erabilerak, euskara, erdara, elebitasuna eta eleaniztasuna eskolan (eta eskolaz kanpoko eremuetan). (GIC21/197) Principal Investigator: Maria Jose Ezeizabarrena Segurola. Begin/End: 01-01-2022/12-31-2025

• "Hizkuntzaren irakaskuntza, jabekuntza eta erabilerak. Euskara, erdarak, elebitasuna eta eleaniztasuna (HIJE-2)" (GIC15/129). Principal Investigator: Maria Jose Ezeizabarrena Segurola. Begin/End: 01-01-2016/ 12-31-2021


Huarte, M. (in press). Euskararen jabekuntza prozesua eskola testuinguruan: zer dakigun, zer jakin nahi dugun. RLLCGV, XXIX, 195-212.

Huarte, M. (2022). Euskararen jabekuntza testuinguru soziolinguistiko ezberdinetan. Zer esaten diguten haurren testuek kasu gramatikalen erabilerari buruz. FLV, 134, 415-438. DOI:

Guerra, R., Huarte, M. & Kortazar, J. (2022). Dinámicas de trabajo intergrupales como estrategia para la construcción de conocimiento. Un acercamiento desde el trabajo interdisciplinar modular. In A. Romero, A. Alonso, A. Urrutia, N. Berasategi, M. Gezuraga & N. Idoiaga (arg.), Estructura modular, metodologías activas y compromiso social en innovación educativa universitaria. Octaedro. ISBN 978-84-19506-37-5, pp. 61-70.

Huarte, M. & Ozerinjauregi, J. (2012). Interakzioaren garrantzia euskararen sarrera goiztiarrean. In. Mendebalde Elkartea (arg.), Hizkuntzaz jabetzen (0-6) (pp. 183-208). Mendebalde.

Huarte, M. (2010). Ergatiboaren jabekuntza: ikerketa esperimental bat eta beraren emaitzak. UEU.

Huarte, M. (2007). The acquisition of Basque ergative case: an experimental study. ASJU, 41(2), 131-144.