Current Members
PRAXIS Research Group
Juan Navarro Loidi

I graduated in Physics in Complutense University of Madrid and I received my Ph.D. in June 2004 at the University of the Basque Country, UPV-EHU. I have taught mathematics in secondary schools for more than thirty years and nowadays I am retired. My research has focused on the history of mathematics in Spain during the 17th and 18th centuries, looking in particular at what was studied in military academies and in Jesuit colleges. Recently I have begun to study the teaching of mathematics and science in Spanish military academies in the 19th century.
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Selected Publications
- J. Navarro Loidi (2024). "A la Europa el español Don Andrés Dávila y Heredia, [...] manifiesta que el Álgebra es inútil". Quaderns d’Història de l’Enginyeria, pp. 87-96.
- J. Navarro Loidi (2023). "Algebra and the Teaching of Spanish Gunners during the 18th Century " in: The Algebrization of Mathematics during the 17th and 18th Centuries. Dwarfs and Giants, Centres and Peripheries. Davide Crippa and Maria Rosa Massa-Esteve (ed.) College Publications, 2023, 171-198.
- J. Navarro Loidi (2020). “Foreign influence and the mathematics education at the Spanish College of Artillery (1764-1842)”. Philosophia Scientiae, 24(1), 115-136.
- J. Navarro Loidi (2017). “Newton and the Spanish artillerymen” in: Reading Newton in Early Modern Europe. Elizabethanne Boran y Mordechai Feingold (ed.), Leiden, Boston, ed. Brill, pp. 64-88.
- J. Navarro Loidi (2015). "La balística en los escritos de Vicente Mut". Llull, 38(82), 321-344.
- Juan Navarro Loidi (2011). "Las matemáticas en la Academia Militar de Ávila". La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española, 14(2), 309-332.
- J. Navarro Loidi y J. Llombart Palet (2008). "The introduction of logarithms into Spain". Historia Mathematica, 35(2), 83-101.