Current Members
PRAXIS Research Group
Juan Navarro Loidi
I graduated in Physics in Complutense University of Madrid and I have been teaching mathematics in secondary schools for more than thirty years. I received my Ph.D. in June 2004 at the University of the Basque Country, UPV-EHU. My studies have been on mathematics and physics studied by military men during 17th and 18t century Spain. I have also worked on teaching of arithmetic, geometry, specially of Euclid's Elements, and the geometrical instruments used during those centuries.
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Selected Publications
- J. Navarro Loidi (2013). Don Pedro Giannini o las matemáticas de los artilleros del siglo XVIII Segovia. Asociación Cultural Ciencia y Artillería.
- J. Navarro Loidi (2006). Las Ciencias Matemáticas y las enseñanzas militares durante el reinado de Carlos II. Madrid, Ministerio de Defensa. 2 vol.
- J. Navarro Loidi (2023). "Algebra and the Teaching of Spanish Gunners during the 18th Century " in: The Algebrization of Mathematics during the 17th and 18th Centuries. Dwarfs and Giants, Centres and Peripheries. Davide Crippa and Maria Rosa Massa-Esteve (ed.) College Publications, 2023, 171-198.
- J. Navarro Loidi (2020). “Foreign influence and the mathematics education at the Spanish College of Artillery (1764-1842)”. Philosophia Scientiae, 24(1), 115-136.
- J. Navarro Loidi (2017). “Newton and the Spanish artillerymen” in: Reading Newton in Early Modern Europe. Elizabethanne Boran y Mordechai Feingold (ed.), Leiden, Boston, ed. Brill, pp. 64-88.
- J. Navarro Loidi (2015). "La balística en los escritos de Vicente Mut". Llull, 38(82), 321-344.
- Juan Navarro Loidi (2011). "Las matemáticas en la Academia Militar de Ávila". La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española, 14(2), 309-332.
- J. Navarro Loidi y J. Llombart Palet (2008). "The introduction of logarithms into Spain". Historia Mathematica, 35(2), 83-101.
- J. Navarro Loidi (2002). "Los libros matemáticos y científicos de la biblioteca del colegio de los jesuitas de Quito (s. XVII-s.XVIII)". Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences, 148(52), 198-211.
J. Navarro Loidi (1996). "Les différentes versions des Éléments d'Euclide publiées en espagnol au XVIe., XVIIe et XVIIIe. siècles. Permanence ou changement", in: Paradigms and Mathematics, Elena Ausejo y Mariano Hormigón (ed.). Madrid, Siglo XXI, pp. 427-501.
Work in progress
- The training of the officers of the Spanish artillery in the first half of the 19th century.
- The influence of political and religious censure in the teaching of mathematics and sciences in the 18th century Spain.
- Euclid's Elements.