SGIkerretako Bizkaiko Analisirako Zerbitzu Zentralak (BAZZ) lagundu egin du Darwinen beirak eta meteoritoek eragindako inpaktuen kristalak aztertzen (2016/05/04)
Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2016/05/04

The SCAB has supported a research group of the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the UPV/EHU in the study of organic compounds present in several crystals of impact that may have been formed by meteorites. Even as materials that have been created at very high temperatures and pressures, there are strong indications that their structures contain organic compounds. Analyses have focused on the identification and characterization of these organic compounds present in the impact crystals themselves. Analysis by GC/MS with injection by Pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS) has identified organic compounds present in this type of solid matrices while injection in headspace (HS) and by solid phase microextraction (SPME) allowed to identify some organic compounds present in the aqueous leachate crystals. All these results and conclusions of this discovery were part of an international doctoral thesis defended last year at the Faculty of Science and Technology.