ENLIGHT European Dialogue 2025
Humour as a communication tool for Healthcare Organizations is a workshop lead by lecturers from the organization. Participants of the workshops will learn on the principles and types of humour and tips on how to break the routine at work with humour. The workshop is also a type of a teambuilding and a source of inspiration.

ČERVENÝ NOS Clowndoctors was founded in 2004 and it uses the art of clowning to bring humour and laughter to people in a need of joy.
The main programme involves periodic visits to children in hospitals and treatment facilities, which are carried out by professional clowndoctors. Special programmes aimed at seniors, adult patients, as well as children in home care and children with severe and combined disabilities are also developped. In addition, workshops for healthcare staff are organized to address the use of humour in patient and senior care.
This organization collaborates with 70 professional clowndoctors, they regularly visit more than 50 hospitals and treatment facilities all over Slovakia; this represents over 230 visits per month.
ČERVENÝ NOS Clowndoctors is one of the partner organisations of Red Noses International.
The workshop at the ENLIGHT European Dialogue will be led by:
Milan Chalmovský (Clowndoctor, Coach, Lecturer)
Kristína Poloncová (Manager of Artistic Department)