Interreg | Cooperación Territorial Europea

PATRIM: Pyrenean Network of Heritage and Rural Innovation Centres.

Specific programme: Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A España-Francia-Andorra (Interreg POCTEFA)
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary
UPV/EHU PI: Iñaki Arrieta
Project start: 15/01/2018
Project end:   14/01/2021

Brief description: The Patrim+ project is part of the POCTEFA framework designed to enable collaboration on both sides of the Pyrenees. The aim is to promote the protection, valorisation and sustainable use of local resources, emphasizing the conservation, protection, promotion and development of the natural and cultural heritage of the institutions and entities of the territories participating in this project.

One of the main areas of work to be developed in this project is to prioritize an innovative and shared common strategy that entails opening up to diverse audiences and seeking new approaches for accessibility, local development, social inclusion, etc.

One of the primary added values of this project will be the common knowledge and skills for territorial and sectoral interaction, sustainable management practices, strengthening  links between rural heritage and local production, social inclusion, agro-ecology, tourism, healthy living, etc.; more and better links will be created between agents, producers, artisans, schools, associations and health representatives, etc. More eco-efficient and accessible centres will be created. The network will be extended (including new partners and territories), using a common differentiated and complete model of "cross-border Patrim thematic networks" becoming a reference for small rural centres, through public-private agreements.