Conference presentations

  • Postigo. J.A, Garaigordobil. A, Ansola. R. 2024. "Optimización de topología para el diseño de estructuras reforzadas con fibra continua mediante Fabricación Aditiva". In the 24th Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica.

  • Garaigordobil. A, Postigo. J.A, Ansola. R. 2024. "Desarrollo de un procedimiento para la optimización topológica de estructuras de sección heterogénea". In the 24th Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica.

  • Garaigordobil. A, Postigo. J.A, Ansola. R. 2023. "Topology Optimization of Heterogeneous Infill Coated Structures with the SERA method". In the 4th International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing.

  • Garaigordobil. A, Postigo. J.A, Ansola. R. 2023. "Shell-infill design with discrete variables by the Sequential Element Rejection and Admission method". In the 15th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation.

  • Garaigordobil. A, Ansola. R. 2022. "Topology Optimization with overhang constraints of structures subjected to self-weight loads". In the 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference.

  • Garaigordobil. A, Ansola. R, Canales. J. 2021. "Diseño óptimo de estructuras porosas para fabricación aditiva con el método “Sequential Element Rejection and Admission” (SERA)". In XXII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica.

  • Garaigordobil. A, Ansola. R, Borinaga. R, Veguería. E. 2021. "Dripping Effect and Overhang Constraint in Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing" In the 14th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization

  • Garaigordobil, A, Ansola. R, García MArina. V. 2021. "Approaching porous structures in fixed shape domains with the SERA method". In the 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. (WCCM-ECCOMAS).

  • Garaigordobil, Alain, Rubén Ansola, Osvaldo M. Querin, and Igor Fernández de Bustos. 2020. “Infill Optimization with the Sequential Element Rejection and Admission Method: Porous Structures for Additive Manufacturing” . In WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, 196, 229–39. doi: 10.2495/HPSM200231.

  • Garaigordobil, A., and R. Ansola. 2019. “A Flexible Overhang Constraint for Topology Optimization of Compliant Mechanisms. Advantages of Controlling the Additive Manufacturability/Performance Ratio”. In EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, 372–80. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-97773-7_34.

  • Garaigordobil, Alain, Rubén Ansola, Estrella Veguería, and Javier Canales. 2018. “Optimización Topológica de Mecanismos Flexibles Considerando Restricciones de Fabricación Aditiva”. Anales de Ingeniería Mecánica.

  • Garaigordobil, Alain, Rubén Ansola, and Estrella Veguería. 2017. “Discretización Del Dominio de Diseño En Problemas de Optimización de Topología Con Restricciones de Fabricación Aditiva”. In Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering, 1412–26. Valencia, Spain.

  • Ansola, Rubén, Alain Garaigordobil, Estrella Veguería, and Osvaldo M. Querin. 2016. “Sequential Element Rejection and Admission Method (SERA) for Topology Optimization Using a Constraint on Perimeter”. In International Conference on Numerical Optimisation Methods for Engineering Design, 33–39. Munich, Germany.

  • Garaigordobil, Alain, Rubén Ansola, and Estrella Veguería. 2016. “Study of Topology Optimization Parameters and Scaffold Structures in Additive Manufacturing”. In VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 3700–3709. Crete Island, Greece.

  • Alonso, Cristina, Rubén Ansola, Estrella Veguería, and Osvaldo M. Querin. 2014. “Study of Element Rejection and Assition Strategies of Discrete Topology Methods”. In Actas Del Congreso Opt-i 2014.

  • Alonso, Cristina, Rubén Ansola, Estrella Veguería, and Osvaldo M. Querin. 2014. “Results Comparison between SIMP and SERA for Compliant Mechanisms Design”. In Book of Abstracts of EngOpt 2014, Internacional Conference on Engineering Optimization.

  • Fernández de Bustos, Igor, Vanessa Garcia, Rubén Ansola, and Mikel Abasolo. 2014. “On Introducing Restrictions for Mechanism Design”. In Book of Abstracts of EngOpt 2014, Internacional Conference on Engineering Optimization.

  • Fernández de Bustos, Igor, Rubén Ansola, Estrella Veguería, S Plaza, and Mikel Abasolo. 2014. “Development of Final Degree Projects (FDP) through the Motostudent Competition”. In Proceedings 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2014).

  • Alonso, Cristina, Rubén Ansola, Osvaldo M. Querin, and Javier Canales. 2013. “Diseño Optimo de Topología Para Mecanismos Flexibles Bi-Materiales”. In CMN 2013. Congreso de Métodos Numéricos En Ingeniería, 1682–93.

  • Veguería, Estrella, Rubén Ansola, Javier Santamaría, Gorka Urbikain, and Javier Canales. 2013. “Advanced Learning in Elasticity Theory by Photoelasticity-Based Experimental Techniques”. In Proceedings of the 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference.

  • Alonso Gordoa, Cristina, Ruben Ansola, Osvaldo Querin, and Vegueria Estrella. 2012. “Parameter Study of a SERA Method to Design Compliant Mechanism”. In 12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference and 14th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2012-5525.

  • Ansola, Rubén, Estrella Veguería, Javier Canales, and José Antonio Tárrago. 2012. “On the Design of Compliant Thermal Mechanisms Using Evolutionary Topology Optimization”. In ESCM 2012 Book of Abstracts.

  • Veguería, Estrella, Rubén Ansola, Javier Canales, and José Antonio Tárrago. 2012. “Topology Synthesis of Electro-Thermal Compliant Mechanisms Using Evolutionary Optimization”. In Proceedings of EngOpt, 3rd Internacional Conference on Engineering Optimization.

  • Veguería, Estrella, Rubén Ansola, and Javier Santamaría. 2012. “Introduction of Experimental Seminar to Reinforce the Learning on Evaluation of Deflections in Structures”. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Engineering and Mathematics.

  • Alonso, Cristina, Rubén Ansola, Osvaldo M. Querin, and Javier Canales. 2012. “Diseño Óptimo de Topología En Estructuras de Máxima Rigidez Mediante El Método SERA”. In XIX Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica (CNIM).

  • Maturana, Aitor, R Sánchez, Javier Canales, Aimar Orbe, Rubén Ansola, and Estrella Veguería. 2010. “Technical- Ecomomic Analysis of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Flag Slabs. A Real Building Application”. In Book of Papers. 37th IAHS Word Congress on Housing Science, 119–27.

  • Ansola, Rubén, Estrella Veguería, and Javier Canales. 2010. “Topology Optimization of Uniformly Heated Actuators by ESO Method”. In Proceedings of EngOpt 2010, Int. Conf. on Eng. Optimization, 1–7.

  • Maturana, Aitor, Javier Canales, Estrella Veguería, Rubén Ansola, and Javier Santamaría. 2009. “Aplicación de Técnicas de Optimización de Forma En El Diseño de Ruedas de Ferrocarril”. In Libro de Ponencias Del IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica.

  • Ansola, Rubén, Estrella Veguería, Javier Canales, and Aitor Maturana. 2009. “Evolutionary Topology Optimization For 3D Compliant Mechanism Design”. In WCSMO-8 Eighth World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 118–28.

  • Veguería, Estrella, Olatz Oyarzabal, Rubén Ansola, Javier Santamaría, Aitor Maturana, Ernesto García, and Javier Canales. 2008. “An Evolutionary Approach for the Topology Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms”. In Proceedings of “The Ninth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology”.

  • Ansola, Rubén, Javier Canales, Estrella Veguería, and Aitor Maturana. 2008. “Topology Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms Using an Evolutionary Method”. In Proceedings of EngOpt 2008, Internacional Conference on Engineering Optimization.

  • Ansola, Rubén, Estrella Veguería, Javier Canales, and José Antonio Tárrago. 2007. “An Evolutionary Topology Optimization Procedure for Compliant Mechanisms Design”. In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization WCSMO-7.

  • Ansola, Rubén, Javier Canales, and José Antonio Tárrago. 2003. “An Effective Procedure for Topology Optimization of Continuum Structures Subjected to Self-Weight Loading”. In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, WCSMO-5.

  • Ansola, Rubén, Javier Canales, José Antonio Tárrago, and John Rasmussen. 2002. “Optimización Conjunta de Forma y Distribución de Rigidizadores para su Aplicación en Estructuras Laminares”. In Métodos Numéricos En Ingeniería V.

  • Ansola, Rubén, Javier Canales, José Antonio Tárrago, and John Rasmussen. 2001. “Integrated Procedure for Shape and Topology Optimization of Shell Structures”. In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, WCSMO-4.