Definition and objectives

The Donostia Research group on Education and Multilingualism (DREAM), based at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), is a consolidated group type A recognized by the Basque Government.
The group conducts research on various aspects of multilingualism in educational settings. It focuses on the analysis of linguistic and communicative competence in the languages used in the school curriculum and at home.
The group, led by Durk Gorter (Ikerbasque, UPV / EHU) and Jasone Cenoz (UPV / EHU), has a great international projection. Our research explores multilingualism from an educational perspective in collaboration with educational centers.
The group has a clear interdisciplinary nature and focuses on the following lines of research:
Multilingual competence in education
Multilingualism and academic development
The linguistic landscape and multilingualism in the school context