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Knowledge area
Immunology, Microbiology and Parasitology
Faculty of Science and Technology
Electronic mail

Bachelor and PhD in Biology by the UPV / EHU. She began her teaching activity in 1990 teaching the subject Microbiology in Basque for the very first time. She has taught theoretical and practical teaching in different fields of Microbiology such as General Microbiology, Applied Microbiology, Microbial Diversity, Microbial Physiology, Protozoology and Introduction to Biomedical Research, in different degrees (Bachelor's Degree in Biology and Degrees in: Biology, Biochemistry and Biology Molecular, Biotechnology and Medicine). She collaborates in the postgraduate teaching for the Master's Degree Microbiology and Health with the subject Microbes in the Ocean.

She is a member of the research group Sea Microbes and has participated as a researcher in about twenty research projects. The most relevant results have been presented in numerous national and international scientific meetings and have given rise to various publications in journals included in the Web of Science.

Her research focuses on the field of marine microbial ecology analyzing mainly these research lines: microbial food web; structure, diversity and activity of the bacterial community; predator-prey interactions; selective depredation of protozooplancton and their control over bacterial biomass. Currently, she is interested in knowing the effect of global warming on the physiological processes of marine bacterial communities.

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