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Study load
Compulsory subjectsOptional subjectsFinal Master's dissertationTotal
48   ECTS   credits0   ECTS   credits12   ECTS   credits60   ECTS   credits

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Compulsory subjects

Compulsory subjects
SubjectLanguages ECTS   CreditsSpecialities / SyllabusTeaching BaseMode
Contemporary Approaches and Proposals in AnthropologyEnglish3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
Designing a Research ProjectBasque3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
Ethnographic and thematic approaches I: Space - Time Scales and Practices of Power : Resistance and ChangesSpanish3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
Ethnographic and thematic approachesII . Naturalization Processes and Symbolic SystemsSpanish3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
Methodology and Introduction to Research I: Participation in a Research ProjectSpanish3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
Methodology and Introduction to Research II: Fieldwork SeminarSpanish3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
Political and Economic dimensions of cultureSpanish3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
Research SeminarEnglish3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
The Construction of IdentitiesBasque3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
The Production of Anthropological Knowledge : Results and ChallengesSpanish3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
Theoretical and Conceptual Block I: A Critical Look at Anthropological TheorySpanish3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course
Theoretical and Conceptual Block II : Gender Systems, Comparative Approaches and Relativism /Universalism DialecticsSpanish3 --
University of the Basque Country ( Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology )
Face-to-face degree course

Final Master's dissertation

Final Master's dissertation
SubjectLanguages ECTS   CreditsSpecialities / SyllabusTeaching BaseMode
Master Thesis12 --

XSL Content


The theoretical aspect of the course will be taught mainly in the first year, allowing students to conduct and defend an ethnographic research project in the second year. Teaching is carried out face-to-face and brings together new theoretical perspectives, significant changes in contemporary anthropology, and recent ethnographic analysis. Master's classes are combined with reading seminars, tutor supervised activities, and research practicals. The Master's programme is taught in Spanish, as well as Basque language and English, with all three languages being accepted as working languages for the Master's thesis and other assignments. Some of the programme is also part of the Master's in Feminist and Gender Studies with the two courses sharing a four-month term.The two-year design of the Master's provides for students starting in any academic year: students will join either the first or second year of each session. 1. Four-month termAnthropological production: assessment and challengesPolitical and economic dimensions of cultureIdentity construction2. Four-month termA critical view of anthropological theoryGender systems, comparative perspectives, and relativism/universalismSpace and time, and practices of power: resistance and changeNaturalisation processes and symbolic systemsResearch project participationField work seminar3. Four-month termSocial and relationship structures in the Basque CountryThe `heritagisation' and `spectacularisation' of cultureLocal realities in a global worldRepresentations, mythology, and rituals in Basque cultureDesign a research project4. Four-month termResearch seminarMaster's thesis


Students will be assessed systematically and continuously for each subject. Credits will be graded based on the following:- Classroom and/or written presentation of theoretical or empirical projects- Practical exercises, carried out in class or outside of classes- Active participation in classes and seminars


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