Social and Solidarity Economy Day

Date and time
Fri. July 15, 2022
16:30 - 19:00 CEST
Itsasmuseum Bilbao
1 Ramón de la Sota Kaia
48013 Bilbao
For more information, click here
Appearance in the Basque Parliament of Ángel Elías Ortega
Ángel Elías teacher or de Faculty of Labor Relations and Social Work. UPV/EHU angel.elias@ehu.eus
On the Basque income guarantee system for inclusion - Labor and Employment Commission.
Popular legislative initiative for an unconditional basic income
Session date: 13.06.2022
Click here to see the entire presentation.: https://www.legebiltzarra.eus/ords/f?p=120:10:9184733066771::NO:RP,RIR:P10_ID,P10_TEXT_SHOW,P10_EXPAND:204724,N,N
Click here to see the final answer: https://www.legebiltzarra.eus/portal/web/eusko-legebiltzarra/videos/-/reproducir/vid?streamlegealdia=12&streamorganoa=09&streamdata=20220613&streamdbstart=2022-06-13T10:59:15.9&streamdbend=2022-06-13T11:06:02.2
Unconditional basic income comes to the Basque Parliament

Basic income under debate

ROUND TABLE: Trade Unions and an Unconditional Basic Income

◙LAB Sindikatua: Xabier Ugartemendia
◙UGT Euskadi Sindikatua: Daniel González
◙ESK Sindikatua: Iñaki Uríbarri
Date: January 27, 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00 am
Place: Faculty of Labor Relations and Social Work- Leioa (Classroom 1.1)
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