Idoia Fernández Fernández

Idoia Fernández Fernández

Main Researcher

At the present:

Idoia Fernández Fernández. (Portugalete, 1961) is a PhD in Educational Sciences (1993) and full professor of the Department of Educational Sciences. She teaches at the School of Education in Leioa and at the Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology in Donostia. She is co-author of 40 scientific articles, 5 books and more than 35 book chapters, published in Basque, Spanish, English and Italian. He has preferentially worked on topics related to the history of education in the Basque Country, training of educational agents and qualitative and participatory research, collaborating, among others, with Ikastolen Elkartea or Tknika (Center for Research and Innovation applied to Vocational Training).

She has also led several innovation, development and research projects in the field of teaching and learning in Higher Education and has directed an international thesis in this field, being since 2011 the main researcher of the IkasGura Group: hezkuntza aldaketa unibertsitatean, recognized by the UPV/EHU. She has worked as visiting professor at the University of Nevada (Reno, USA), at Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne, Australia) and at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia). Since 2010 she has been director of the Educational Advisory Service / Hezkuntza Aholkularitza Zerbitzua (SAE-HELAZ) of the UPV/EHU. She is a member of the Spanish Network of University Teaching (REDU) and member of the editorial team of the scientific journal of the same name. She has been Vice-President for Europe of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOLT) for the period 2016-2017 and Vice-Rector of Innovation, Social Commitment and Cultural Action of the UPV/EHU for 2017-2021.