
IkasGura: educational change in the university is a research group that began its trajectory in 2009 and in which more than twenty researchers in the field of Pedagogy, Psychology, Sociology, Medicine and Fine Arts have participated over time. Everyone shares their interest in research in the field of Higher Education in a broad sense, in order to built knowledge in this field and develop good practices that revert in the institution itself (UPV / EHU) and transfer them to other university contexts.
For several years it was a research group recognized by the UPV/EHU (GIU 08/14 and GIU 11/14) and in 2019 it was recognized within the Basque university system as a consolidated research group (level B, IT 1348-2019 Government Basque). It is made up of several researchers: Itziar Rekalde Rodríguez, Idoia Fernández Fernández, Ana Eizagirre Sagardia, Pilar Gil Molina, Alba Madinabeitia Ezkurra, Esther Cruz Iglesias, and Nagore Ibaibarriaga Revuelta. It currently has two researchers in training: Maialen Oiartzun Irastorza and Aitor Mendia Urrutia, with predoctoral contracts, as well as senior collaborating researchers such as Pilar Ruiz de Gauna Bahillo and Clemente Lobato Fraile.