Desarrollo profesional de equipos directivos de secundaria desde la clave de la formación en creatividad
Name of the student: Maria Begoña Cabria Rueda Director: Idoia Fernández Fernández Degree: Master in Research in the Socio-Educational Field Day of defense: 23/06/2014
Dr. Fleming HLHI-ko irakasleen formazio beharren diagnosia eta azterketa
Name of the student: Maritxu Arostegi Escribano Director: Itziar Rekalde Rodríguez. Degree: Master Day of defense: 20/06/2014
Irakasle taldean lankidetza aztertuz Bilboko San Inazio Haurreskolan ikerkuntza-ekintzaren bitartez
Name of the student: Ugalde Villa, H. Director: Itziar Rekalde Rodríguez Degree: Master Day of defense: 20/06/2014
Irakaskuntzan, hausnartze-prozesuaren sustapena, Portafolioa baliabide gisa erabilita
Name of the student: Ainhoa Erkiaga Orbe Director: Pilar Gil Molina Degree: Master in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign Language Teaching Day of defense: 18/06/2014
Irakasleek ikastearekiko dituzten teoriak
Name of the student: Arritokieta Gonzalez Elosua Director: Pilar Gil Molina Degree: Master in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign Language Teaching Day of defense: 18/06/2014
Etorkizuneko irakasleek eta dagoeneko irakasle lanetan dabiltzanek duten irakaskuntzaren inguruko ikuspegiaren azterketa eta alderaketa
Name of the student: Ainhoa Insausti Echeverria Director: Pilar Gil Molina Degree: Master in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign Language Teaching Day of defense: 17/06/2014
Inklusio Praktikak inplementatzen: Blended-Learning eta talde-lanaren erabilpena ikasle etorkinen integrazioa hobetzeko asmoz
Name of the student: Miren Edurne Susperregui Lesaca Director: Jon Altuna Degree: Master in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign Language Teaching Day of defense: 2014
Goierri eskolako testuinguruan, proiektuan oinarritutako ikaskuntza sare sozialekin bat eginez irakaskuntza-ikaskuntza metodologia proposamena
Name of the student: Nerea Aramburu Asurabarrena Director: Jon Altuna Degree: Master in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign Language Teaching Day of defense: 2014