Mª Angeles Olazabal Dueñas

Mª Angeles Olazabal Dueñas

Full Professor

PhD Chemistry (UPV/EHU)
Faculty of Science & Technology

Mª Angeles Olazabal, full professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Science and Technology. During the first years, her research work focused on the study of single- and two-phase equilibria in solution, and their application to industry and the environment, as well as the modelling and simulation of thermodynamic systems. Subsequently, she extended her field of research to the development of new analytical methods and processes for diagnosing, conserving and rehabilitating Cultural and Natural Heritage. In recent years she has taken up the study of ionic liquids and has made progress in the development of hybrid consolidating products. In her research career she has participated in 56 research projects, in some of which as Principal Investigator, and she has 82 internationally renowned scientific publications. She has 5 six-year research periods recognised by the National Research Activity Evaluation Commission. In the last 8 years, she has supervised 8 Master's theses and 7 Final Degree theses. She has participated in a number of Master's thesis and Doctoral thesis evaluation tribunals.