- Team Show/hide subpages
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- Research activities Show/hide subpages
Site Map
- Team
- Presentation
- Who are we
- Permanent staff
- José Manuel Amigo Rubio
- Gorka Arana Momoitio
- Jose Antonio Carrero Hernández
- Kepa Castro Ortiz de Pinedo
- Alberto de Diego Rodríguez
- Nestor Etxebarria Loizate
- Luis Angel Fernández Cuadrado
- Ainara Gredilla Altonaga
- Juan Manuel Madariaga Mota
- Maite Maguregui Hernando
- Irantzu Martinez Arkarazo
- Maitane Olivares Zabalandikoetxea
- Ailette Prieto Sobrino
- Nagore Prieto Taboada
- Aresatz Usobiaga Epelde
- Olatz Zuloaga Zubieta
- Mª Angeles Olazabal Dueñas
- PhD Researchers
- PhD Students
- Inés Baciero Hernández
- Idoia Etxebarria Román
- Reaha Goyetche
- Pablo Irizar Merino
- Thomas Maupas
- Mikel Musatadi Larrucea
- Iratxe Población Concejo
- Martina Romani
- Markel San Nicolas Oruetxebarria
- Iñaki Vázquez de la Fuente
- Uxue Uribe Martínez
- Irantzu Vergara Luis
- Aitor Villate Uribe
- Leire Coloma Coloma
- Fernando Alberquilla Martínez
- Maddi Salvoch Vilches
- Technical Assistants
- Academic activity
- Research activities
- Fields of activity
- Lab facilities
- Specific applications
- Flow cytometry with fluorescence (Cell Sorter SH800Z, Sony)
- Preparative HPLC combined with a Fraction Collector (Agilent)
- Microtox
- MSA flexible Liquid (KRÜSS GmbH)
- pHmetro/Medidor de iones (Metrohm 692)
- Sistema de medida precisa de la alcalinidad y el carbono inorgánico disuelto en muestras acuosas (VINDTA 3C, Marianda)
- Chromatography
- Electrochemistry
- Spectroscopy - Microscopy - Image
- ASD High-Resolution FieldSpec 4 spectroradiometer
- Dual M4 TORNADO (Bruker Nano Analytics)
- UV Spectrophotometer (UV-1800 Shimadzu)
- EasyLIBS IVEA Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Jasco 6300 FT/IR
- LabRam HR Evolution
- UV-Vis microplate reader spectrophotometer (EPOCH, Biotek)
- Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader
- M4 Tornado
- BWTEK InnoRam 785 nm and 532 nm systems
- Headwall NIR-hyperspectral system (938 - 1630 nm)
- Renishaw InVia system
- Renishaw RA100 system
- Specim SWIR Hyperspectral camera
- Mini fiber optic spectrophotometers (Avantes and OceanOptics)
- Operations
- Analytical Balances (Sartorius)
- Incubator Hood (Edmund Bühler TH15)
- Centrifuge (Allegra X-30R)
- Centrifuge (Eppendorf 5804 R)
- Centrifuge (Microfuge 20R)
- Climatic Kesternich Chamber
- Climatic UV Chamber
- SPE manifold
- Oven (J.P. Selecta)
- TurboVap LV evaporator (Caliper)
- Precellys homogenizer with cooling system
- Homogeniser (Sonopuls, Bandelin)
- Concrete mixer
- Liophilizer (Coolvacuum)
- Microwave Sample Preparation System (Anton Paar Multiwave 3000 Solv)
- Muffle Furnace (Heraeus K114)
- Muffle Furnace (HD-230)
- Multi-Vortex
- Polishing machine
- Rotatory evaporator
- Disk radial saw
- Sieve
- Savillex DST 1000 distillation system
- Sistemas de gestión y dosificación de líquidos (Series Liquino, Dosino y Dosimat de Metrohm)
- Cryomill
- MilliQ System
- Automatic titration systems
- On-site Large Volume SPE (LV-SPE) device
- TurboVap
- Ultrasounds
- Vortex
- Specific applications
- Publications
- PhD thesis
- Projects
- Patents
- Contracts
- Congress
- Divulgation