algebraic entropy and topological entropy

Algebraic Entropy and Topological Entropy

Scope of the special session

The study of the topological entropy, started in 1965 with a paper by Adler, Konheim and McAndrew, continued up to now with frequent contributions of many mathematicians. On the other side, the algebraic entropy, introduced in the same paper, was studied only sporadically until some years ago, when it was deeply investigated in a paper by Dikranjan, Goldsmith, Salce and Zanardo in 2009. Since then, almost thirty papers have been published on the subject, of purely algebraic character, or in connection with the topological entropy and with the metric entropy appearing in the theory of dynamical systems.

This special session is aimed to check the state of the art of these themes and of their connections. Some mathematicians who gave important contributions to these theories come from Italy and Spain.


  • Luigi Salce (University of Padova, Italy) -
  • Manuel Sanchis López (University Jaume I, Spain)

Abstracts and schedule

Below you can download the schedule and the abstracts of all talks of this special session.


  • Lluís Alsedà (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)

           Volume entropy for minimal presentations of surface groups

  • Francisco Balibrea (University of Murcia, Spain)

          Topological entropy and related notions

  • Federico Berlai (University of Vienna, Austria)

           Scale function and topological entropy

  • José S. Cánovas (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain)

          On entropy of fuzzy extensions of continuous maps

  • Dikran Dikranjan (University of Udine, Italy)

           Bridge Theorems

  • Anna Giordano Bruno (University of Udine, Italy)

          Algebraic entropy vs topological entropy

  • Víctor Jiménez López (University of Murcia, Spain)

           Can negative Schwarzian derivative be used  to extract order from chaos

  • Luigi Salce (University of Padova, Itay)

          The hierarchy of algebraic entropies

  • Manuel Sanchis (University Jaume I, Spain)

           A notion of entropy in the realm of fuzzy metric spaces

  • Peter Vámos (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)

           Polyentropy, Poncairé series and multiplicity

  • Simone Virili (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)

           Algebraic entropy of amenable group actions