
Invited speakers

Mònica Feixas

Dr. Mònica Feixas is Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Pedagogy at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She holds a Licenciature in Pedagogy, a Master’s degree (M.Ed) in Educational Administration (Teachers College, Columbia University), and a Doctorate (PhD) in Education (UAB). She has taught graduate and postgraduate courses in educational management and didactics in higher education for more than 18 years as part of teachers’ initial and continuous training. Dr Feixas is a foundational member of the EDO research group (Equipo de Desarrollo Organizacional- Organisational Development Team). In 2014 she moved to Switzerland with her family. She was Research Fellow at the Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik, Universität St. Gallen and, at present, she works part-time for the Center of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at the Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich. She collaborates regularly with academic development units of universities in Spain, Latin-America as well as Switzerland in research projects and pedagogical consultancy. Her main research interests include teaching and learning cultures in higher education, pedagogical training of university teachers and transfer of training.


Peter Felten

Peter Felten is a professor of history, assistant provost for teaching and learning, and executive director of the Center for Engaged Learning at Elon University. His current research focuses on the influence of human relationships, and on individual and institutional change, in undergraduate education. His books include the co-authored volumes: The Undergraduate Experience: Focusing Institutions on What Matters Most (Jossey-Bass, 2016); Transforming Students: Fulfilling the Promise of Higher Education (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014); Engaging Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching (Jossey-Bass, 2014); Transformative Conversations (Jossey-Bass, 2013); and the co-edited book Intersectionality in Action (Stylus, 2016). He has served as president of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2016-2017) and also of the POD Network (2010-2011), the U.S. professional society for educational developers. He is co-editor of the International Journal for Academic Development and a fellow of the Gardner Institute, a U.S. foundation that works to advance equity in higher education. 


Katarina Mårtensson

Dr. Katarina Mårtensson is senior lecturer and academic developer at Lund University, Sweden. Her work includes supporting organisational development through academic development, scholarship of teaching and learning, and leadership development. Her research and scholarly work focus on social networks, academic microcultures, collegiality and academic leadership. Her PhD-thesis from 2014 was titled ”Influencing teaching and learning microcultures: Academic development in a research-intensive university”. She is past co-president of ISSOTL, the International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, and was between 2013-2016 co-editor of IJAD, the International Journal for Academic Development.


Torgny Roxå

Torgny Roxå is an Associate professor at Lund University (Sweden), Faculty of Engineering. He has 30 years of experience in academic development with a focus on developing quality cultures in higher education organisations. He developed the first pedagogical academy, the Lund ETP, which now runs on its 17th year and inspired both Swedish and international institutions. He has taught engineering teachers for the last 25 years. And, he is currently engaged in the implementation of a new quality assurance system based on the experiences gained from the ETP-system. His research is focused upon strategic change in teaching cultures within higher education organisations, especially significant networks and microcultures. He is also appointed Distinguished Scholar in Educational Leadership at McMaster University in Canada.


Anja Pawelleck

Anja Pawelleck is head of continuing education in university teaching and learning at the University of Zurich. She developed, implemented and run different programs in professional development for academic staff; esp. programs which strengthen the nexus through the implementation of research-based teaching and learning (RBTL) and scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL).

Furthermore, she is interested in holistic approaches to academic competence development that take into account all roles and responsibilities of academic staff.



Oscar Jerez

He got his PhD in Psychology and Education. Advisor and consultant in a variety of universities and institutions of Higher Education. Co-creator of 36 Centres for Teaching and Learning in Ibero-America and Africa. His research interests are innovation, academic development and quality management and assurance. Nowadays, he is the director of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Chile; Academic director of the Higher Education Training Program (FES); coordinator of the training program of PhD students for university teaching skills, at University of Chile.


Araceli Adam

Management officer at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC), where she has worked since 1997 supporting the role of its Institute of Education Sciences, the academic unit of the UPC that contributes to quality teaching at the university by providing teacher training and encouraging teaching enhancement.

She is a member (from 2007) of the Spanish national Network of University Teaching (Red-U), a peer association affiliated to the International Consortium of Educational Development (ICED), and a former member of its board as secretary of the association.



Javier Paricio

Javier Paricio Royo, phd in education sciences and full professor in the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza. Member of the ARGOS research group specialized in Education. He has been Vice-rector for Educational Innovation and Quality at the University of Zaragoza (2008-2012) and director of ICE (2003-2008), the center for the educational development of this university. Member of the board of directors of RED-U, the Spanish network for educational development in higher education. He is the author or co-author of 7 books, 9 book chapters and 4 scientific articles on higher education as well as multiple collaborations, communications and conferences at national and international meetings.


Idoia Fernández

Idoia Fernández Fernández holds a phd in Science of Education (1993) and is a tenured lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of Education. She lectures at the Teacher Training College in Leioa and at the Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology in Donostia-San Sebastián. She has jointly authored 30 scientific papers, four books and over 35 book chapters, which have been published in Basque, Spanish, English and Italian. She has also led several R&D&I projects in the field of teaching and learning in higher education and has directed an international thesis in the same field. Since 2011 she has been the lead researcher in Grupo IkasGura: hezkuntza aldaketa unibertsitatean, a group recognised by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She has spent time as a visiting lecturer at the University of Nevada (Reno, USA) and the Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia). Since 2010 to 2017 she has headed the Educational Assessment Unit (SAE-HELAZ) of the UPV/EHU. She is a board member of REDU (State Network of University Teachers) and a member of the editorial staff of its journal. She has been also Vice-President for Europe of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOLT) for 2016-2017 and since 2017 Vice-rector for Innovation, Social Commitment and Culture.