ERASMUS Programme

SOCISEA: Europako gizarte-zuzenbidea eta itsasgizonen eskubideak

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Specific programme: Programme ERASMUS+; JEAN MONNET Actions
Project start:  01/09/2016
Project end: 31/12/2019

Brief description: "European social Law and Seafarers' rights" Jean Monnet Module offers a sectorial overview on the social dimension of European integration. The analysis of European social law and policy related to seafarers allows describe and offer to students a general vision about the European social model through the greatest example of the major mobile workers in the world. In addition, it offers other view to researchers dedicated to European Union Studies, since seafarers' working and living conditions issue is the better example in which can be analysed how the globalization impacts over industrial relations in general and the role of European institutions facing it. Teaching the reality of maritime Europe provides students and future professionals with knowledge of European Union subjects relevant for their academic and professional lives, but also improves the quality of professional training and the governance of the European Union policies applicable to the seafarers. In relation to the background of this module, it is consequence of the concern of a researchers' group dedicated to maritime labour law, which work each other from long-time, which have noted the clear absence of this subject in research and studies. All teaching staff is expert in maritime labour, mainly from juridical point of view but also with the participation of ex-professionals, now teachers at maritime colleges.