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ATEST: Assessment of Traineeships within the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation SysTem

ATEST project

Specific programme: Erasmus+ KA2 “Capacity Building”
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary
Project start: 01/09/2014
Project end: 31/08/2016

Brief description:  The ATEST project (Assessment of Traineeships within the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation SysTem) was realised as a two year Erasmus+ project (activity KA2); the main outcome of which is a recommendation for the approval of credits for Erasmus traineeship activities. The reason for the project proposal was to enhance the quality and relevance of traineeships by developing an assessment and recognition system of Erasmus Traineeships for participating institutions and to disseminate it to the other universities as well. Since the beginning of the LLP/Erasmus Programme, student mobility has also focused on placements/traineeships in institutions abroad. The traineeship programme under the Erasmus+ programme is further extended to another group of participants - graduates who may complete their traineeship during the 12 months after graduation, provided that they have been accepted for the traineeship during their studies.