Endika Uriarte

Endika Uriarte

                                                                           Micaela Portilla Research Center
                                                              Justo Vélez de Elorriaga, 1, 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz
                                                                 University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
                                                                            Email: endika.uriarte@ehu.eus 


He is a PhD student in Basque Linguistics and Philology from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). In 2021 he graduated in the double degree Basque Language and Culture + Modern Languages: English Studies (University of Deusto) and in 2022 he did a master's degree in Teacher Training in Obligatory Secondary and Upper Secondary School Education, Vocational Training and Languages. Afterwards, he finished a master's degree in Basque Linguistics and Philology in 2023. His Master's Thesis obtained Mintzola award 2023 delivered by Euskaltzaindia, the Royal Academy of the Basque Language. The main subject of study is the deepening of the relationship between the ergative mark and the Basque-Spanish code-switching, and the study of grammatical restrictions between them.

Endika Uriarte


Uriarte, E. (2024). Ergatiboaren erabilera euskara-gaztelania kode-alternantzian: kasu-azterketa bat. Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria ,1(69), 207–252.  


Uriarte, E. (2024). "El uso del ergativo en la alternancia de código euskera-castellano: un estudio de caso." XXXVIII Congreso Internacional Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas. University of Santiago de Compostela, 16-18 October.

Uriarte, E. (2024). "¿Qué nos cuenta sobre el ergativo euskaldunen kode-alternantziak? Evidencia de una tarea de juicios de
aceptabilidad." XI Jornadas Doctorales y VI Jornadas de Divulgación Científica del Grupo 9. University of Murcia, 10-12 June.

Uriarte, E. (2023). "Ergatiboaren erabilera euskara-gaztelania kode-alternantzian: kasu azterketa bat." Euskaltzaindia's Mintzola seminar. Donostia: Luis Villasante Research Centre, 18 October.

Uriarte, E. (2023). "Qué nos cuenta sobre el ergativo euskaldunen kode-alternantziak? New evidence from case-marking in Spanish-Basque code-switching." XVI International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. Vitoria-Gasteiz, UPV/EHU, 31 May-1 June.