Ane Ortega

Ane Ortega

Begoñako Andra Mari University College of Education 
Dept. of Didactics of Language and Literature
Barrainkua, 2. 48009 Bilbao
Telephone: 94 43549 32

Ane holds a degree in Spanish Philology by the University of Deusto, a MA in Translation Studies by Warwick University (United Kingdom) and a PhD in Sociolinguistics and Hispanic Studies by the University of London. She is a lecturer at Begoñako Andra Mari Teacher Education college in Bilbao, where she lectures in the Primary Education degree. Before that she worked in the area of Spanish as a Foreign Language in a number of British institutions, including the Centre of Modern Languages of the Open University, and back in the Basque Country, at HUHEZI faculty of the University of Mondragon.
Her teaching activity focuses in the area of language teaching in bilingual/multilingual contexts and in second language learning and teaching, and her research activity focuses mainly in the field of socioliguistics of minoritised languages and language education in multilingual contexts. She is part of the HIJE (Language Learning, Acquisition, and Use) research group  of the University of the Basque Country and also a participant of the European COST Action IS1306 "New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges", where she is a member of the Steering Committee and a co-leader of the working group "New speaker competence and Multilingual competence and new speaker varieties". She is a member of the Permanent Technical Committee and the Advisory Committee of the UNESCO Chair of World Language Heritage of the University of the Basque Country.

Her most recent publications are in the areas of curriculum development for multilingual schools and on language attitudes and identities of new speakers of Basque.



Urla, J., Amorrortu, E. , Ortega, A. & Goirigolzarri, J. (2017). "Basque Standardization and the New Speaker: Political Praxis and the Shifting Dynamics of Authority and Value". In P.M.J. Lane & J. Costa (eds). Standardizing Minority Languages: Competing Ideologies of Authority and Authenticity in the Global Periphery. Routledge.

Urla, J., Amorrortu, E. , Ortega, A., Goirigolzarri, J. & Uranga, B. (2016). "Authenticity and Linguistic Variety among New Speakers of Basque". Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication, ed. by Vera Ferreira and Peter Bouda. Language Documentation and Conservation in Europe, 9 (January 2016). pp. 1-12.

Puigdevall, M., Walsh, J., Amorrortu, E., & Ortega, A. (2018). ‘I’ll be one of them’: linguistic mudes and new speakers in three minority language contexts. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 39, 445 - 457.

Ortega, A. & Anakabe, M.J. (2015). "Integración de lenguas y áreas desde los proyectos globales: una propuesta de integración Conocimiento del Medio-Euskera-Lengua castellana-Inglés". En Garcia-Azkoaga, I. & Idiazabal, I. (eds.). Para una ingeniería didáctica de la educación plurilingüe. Bilbao, Servicio Editorial de la UPV/EHU. (ISBN: 978-84-9082-205-0). Pp. 291-320.

Ortega, A., Urla, J., Amorrortu, E., Goirigolzarri, J. & Uranga, B. (2015). "Basque Linguistic Identity among New speakers of Basque". The International Journal of the Sociology of Language (Special Issue: New Speakers of Minority Languages), 231, 85-105. [on-line open access].

Ortega, A., Amorrortu, E., Goirigolzarri, J., Urla, J., Uranga, B. (2014). "Nuevos hablantes de euskera: identidad y legitimidad". En: M. Puigdevall (coord.). "Los nuevos hablantes de lenguas minoritarias: pertinencias y legitimidades" [dossier en línea]. Digithum, 16, 86-97. (Versión en catalán, " Nous parlants de basc: identitat i legimitat, y en inglés, "New Basque speakers: linguistic identity and legitimacy".) [On-line open access].

Ortega, A., Amorrortu, E., Goirigolzarri, J., Urla, J., Uranga, B. (2014). "Euskal hiztun berrien artean euskal hizkuntza-identitatea". BAT Soziolinguistika aldizkaria, 87-88, 151-170. [On-line open access].

Ortega, A.; Goirigolzarri, J.; Amorrortu, E.; Uranga, B. & Urla, J. (2013). "Euskaldunberrien hizkuntza identitatearen inguruan zenbait ekarpen". Actas del IX Congreso Vasco de Sociología y Ciencias Políticas, monográfico de Inguruak – Revista Vasca de Sociología y Ciencias Políticas, 55-56, 1724-1734. [on-line in: ].

Barreña, A., Ortega, A. & Amorrortu, E. (2013). "The Basque language today. Achievements and challenges". In Basque and Proto-Basque, monográfico de la revista  Mikroglotika, Mikel Martínez-Areta (ed). Pp. 11-29. ISBN. 978-3-631-62649-8.

Amorrortu, E. & Ortega, A. (2010). "Euskararen balioak eta gazteen erabilera: heldu erdaldunen pertzepzioak", BAT: Soziolinguiska aldizkaria, 77, 117-134. 

Ortega. A. & Amorrortu, E. (2010). "Actitudes hacia el euskera de los no vascohablantes: valor instrumental e integrador". Inguruak-Revista de Sociología, 4-17.

Ortega. A. & Amorrortu, E. (2010). "The attitudes of non-minority language speakers to minority language revitalization: what are non-Basque speakers prepared to do for Basque?", Actas del XIV Congreso de FEL (Foundation for Endangered Languages) Reversing Language Shift: How to Re-awaken a Language Tradition, Carmarthen, Gales, 13-15 Sept. 2010, pp. 52-59. ISBN.: 978/0/9560210-2-1.

Amorrortu, E. & Ortega, A. (2009). "Zergatik eskolaratzen zituzten gurasoek seme-alabak euskarazko ereduetan?", Euskara, 54, 579-602.

Amorrortu, E., Ortega, A., Idiazabal, I. & Barreña, A. (2009). Erdaldunen euskararekiko aurreiritziak eta jarrerak. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritza. ISBN.978-94-457-2945-8. [Versión en castellano: Actitudes y prejuicios de los castellanohablantes hacia el euskera. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritza. ISBN. 978-84-457-3029-4.

Ortega, A., Beaven, T., Garrido, C. & Scrivener, S. (2009), ¡Exacto! A Practical Guide to Spanish Grammar, 2nd edn. (Abingdon, Oxon & New York: Hodder / Routledge), ISBN. 978-0340984499.

Hurd, S., Beaven, T. & Ortega, A. (2001). Developing autonomy in a distance language learning context: issues and dilemmas for course writers. System, 29 (3), 341–355.


Selected conference and workshop presentations

Flynn, C., Ó Murchadha, N. & Ortega, A. (2016). "An analysis of subjective responses to new speaker varieties of Irish and Basque". 3rd International Symposium on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges. COST-European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action IS1306) / Universidad de Hamburgo. Hamburgo, May 12-14.

Ortega, A. & Amorrortu, E. (2015). "'The way I speak': The impact of language competence on language use and linguistic identity among new speakers of Basque". COST Action IS1316 Event Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspectives on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe. University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus, October 14-16.

Amorrortu, E., Ortega, A. & Goirigolzarri, J. (2014). "Becoming an active speaker of Basque: new speakers in the crossroads". 2nd International Symposium on New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges. COST-European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action IS 1306) / Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Barcelona, November 20-22.

Puigdevall, M., Walsh, J., Amorrortu, E. & Ortega, A. (2014). "New speakers and linguistic mudes: issues of integration, belonging and legitimacy". Sociolinguistic Symposium 20, Jyväskyla, June15-18.

Ortega, A. (2013). "Principios psicolingüísticos de la educación plurilingüe y programación integrada de las lenguas". Conferencia plenaria en el Seminario Apraiz-Zumalabe Hizkuntzen trataera bateratua (EHU-UPV, Vitoria-Gasteiz, October 25.

Urla, J., Amorrortu, E., Ortega, A, Gorigolzarri, J. & Uranga, B. (2013). "Authenticity and Authority among New Speakers of Basque". ELE 2013: International Conference on Endangered Languages in Europe. Minde, Portugal. October 17-18.

Ortega, A. & Anakabe, M.J. (2013). "Integración de lenguas y áreas desde los proyectos globales: una propuesta de integración Conocimiento del Medio-euskera-castellano-inglés", en VII Hizkuntza Jabekuntzaren Nazioarteko Biltzarra, Bilbao, September 5-6.

Ortega, A. Goirigolzarri, J., Amorrortu, E., Uranga, B. & Urla, J. (2012). "Euskaldunberrien hizkuntza identitatearen inguruan zenbait ekarpen". IX Congreso de la Asociación de Sociología y Ciencias Políticas, Bilbao, July 18.

Ortega, A. (2012) "New Speakers of Basque: Attitudes, Motivations, and Language Use".  Simposio New Speakers of Minority Languages: A Dialogue. Universidad de Edinburgh, March 30-31.

Amorrortu, E. & Ortega, A. (2011). "Euskarara hurbiltzeko jarrera mesedegarri eta oztopatzaileak". Udaltop: Udaletako euskara-zerbitzuen III. topaketak, Lasarte-Oria, April 7-8.

Ortega, A. & Amorrortu, E. (2010). "Implicación de los no vascohablantes en la revitalización del euskera: diagnóstico sobre sus motivaciones y actitudes", Ciclo de Conferencias La vida del euskera: claves para su desarrollo. Ayto. de Iruña-Pamplona y el Ateneo Navarro. Iruña - Pamplona, November 23.

Ortega, A. (2010). "En lenguas vivimos, en lenguas nos desarrollamos: defensa de la diversidad lingüística". Lección inaugural del curso académico 2010-2011 de la Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio Begoñako Andra Mari. CRAI, University of Deusto, October 14.

Amorrortu, E. & Ortega, A. (2010). "Erdaldunen euskararekiko aurreiritzi eta jarreren inguruko hainbat datu", Jornadas sobre Actitudes lingüísticas organizadas por Soziolinguistika Klusterra. Donostia – San Sebastián, February 26.

Ortega, A. & Amorrortu, E. (2010). "Actitudes hacia el euskera de los no vascohablantes: valores instrumental e integrador", VIII Congreso Vasco de Sociología y Ciencia Política. Bilbao, February 10-12.


Teacher training

Taller "Supporting a weaker language through CLIL projects", in Ecole de enseignment plurilingue : Innovation in second and foreign language education, ELSE (ÉDUCATION EN LANGUES SECONDES ET ÉTRANGÈRES). Lyon, 8-10 Octubre 2014.

Training teachers in counselling in educational institutions in multilingual and didactic language planning:

• Project for the integration of languages and areas from global projects: proposal for the integration of Basque, Spanish and English knowledge in primary education, Txomin Aresti Ikastetxea, 2010-2013.

• HABE curriculum design: training and support for the design of the Euskaltegi curriculum: "From the HEOC document to classroom programming", Urrats Euskaltegia, October-June 2013.

• Language Plan Training: "Weaknesses of the Linguistic Project" for teachers of the Christian School network (2 courses, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 October-May).

• Training in oral interaction teaching for HABE teachers: "Oral interaction didactic" (5 courses of 15-hours in July 2010-2014).

• Advice on drawing up a map of linguistic content for children's, primary and secondary education, within the framework of the Integrated Language Treatment (San José de Calasanz College, Santurtzi, 2006-2009, 2013-2014 and 2014-15).

• Director of the GARATU (Department of Education, Basque Government) English Training Course for Teachers of Children and Primary Education, October 2007-2008, 480 hours) and Professor of the module "English Didactic as L3", 30 hours.

• "Teaching Spanish to Foreigners" in Adult Continuing Education Training (BAM, 2006, 10 hours).

• "Adaptation of the curriculum of the Basque Country to the standards of the European Framework of Reference for Languages from the perspective of the integrated treatment of languages", C.O.A.S., Bilbao-Donostia, (March-June 2007).



Organization of conferences

Coordinator of the European Forum on Linguistic Diversity, organized by UNESCO Etxea - UNESCO Basque Country Center (Kursaal Palace, Donostia-San Sebastian, December 15-16, 2016). The Forum is an event of the cultural program of Donostia-San Sebastian European Capital of Culture 2016.

Linguistic Cooperation

Training actions in the Nasa people (Cauca, Colombia), organized by the Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte (ACIN, member of the Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca (CRIC)), the Garabide association and Munduko Hizkuntza Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra / UNESCO Chair of World Linguistic Heritage of the UPV-EHU. Toribío and Toez (Cauca) and Popayán August 31-October 19, 2015; Toribío, and November 3-5, 2014.