Agreement reached by the Postgraduate Commission during its meeting on 23 may 2024

Agreement reached by the Postgraduate Commission during its meeting on 23 may 2024, regarding the development of article 57 of the Regulations for Managing Official Doctoral Studies at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

The Regulations for Managing Official Doctoral Studies at the UPV/EHU, which were approved by the Governing Council on 24 April 2024, state that the Postgraduate Commission must develop some provisions and adopt the corresponding agreements in order to do so.

In article 57, the Regulations establish the rules governing theses leading to a doctorate by publication, stating that ‘The doctoral thesis leading to a doctorate by publication must comprise a set of works published and/or accepted for publication that focus on a single topic, in accordance with the structure established by the Postgraduate Commission.’

Chapter XI of the Regulations Governing Doctoral Studies (Basque Country Official Gazette of 5 March 2020), which was repealed by the Regulations for Managing Official Doctoral Studies, establishes the rules governing doctorates by publication. In article 43, said regulations establish the structure of a thesis by published papers.

“Article 43. Structure of a thesis by published papers.

A doctoral thesis by published papers must comprise a set of papers published and/or accepted for publication which focus on a single theme, in accordance with the following structure:

1.  An initial overview (minimum length 10,000 approx.) which contains:

  • a) An introduction, presenting the thesis and justifying the thematic unity of the papers.
  • b) Theoretical framework of the thesis topic and methodological tools used.
  • c) Hypotheses and general and specific aims, indicating which ones are broached in which publication(s).
  • d) Summing up and, where appropriate, discussion of the results obtained. 
  • e) Referenced sources.

2.  The second section of the thesis must present its conclusions.

3. The third section is an Appendix, which should contain the papers, books or book chapters published or accepted for publication, under the title 'Published works' or (as appropriate) 'Published works and works accepted for publication'. The complete published or accepted version of each contribution must be included, provided the PhD student has obtained authorisation from the journal to use the paper in their doctoral thesis. If they do not have this  authorisation, then the accepted manuscript suitable for public dissemination version must be  included instead. In both cases, the complete list of bibliographic references must be included,  along with the impact factor of the journal in the year of publication, its relative position in the  category to which it belongs and/or other quality indicators.”

It seems appropriate to base our actions on the regulations that have been in effect to date, although the Postgraduate Commission may adapt or modify any issues that may arise as and when it deems necessary. In light of the above, we propose the adoption of the following:


One. - A thesis leading to a doctorate by publication must comply with the following structure:

1. An initial overview (minimum length 10,000 approx.) which contains:

  • a) An introduction, presenting the thesis and justifying the thematic unity of the papers.
  • b) Theoretical framework of the thesis topic and methodological tools used.
  • c) Hypotheses and general and specific aims, indicating which ones are broached in which publication(s). 
  • d) Summing up and, where appropriate, discussion of the results obtained. 
  • e) Referenced sources.

2. The second section of the thesis must present its conclusions.

3. The third section is an Appendix, which should contain the papers, books or book chapters published or accepted for publication, under the title 'Published works' or (as appropriate) 'Published works and works accepted for publication'. The complete published or accepted version of each contribution must be included, provided the PhD student has obtained authorisation from the journal to use the paper in their doctoral thesis. If they do not have this authorisation, then the accepted manuscript suitable for public dissemination version must be included instead. In both cases, the complete list of bibliographic references must be included, along with the impact factor of the journal in the year of publication, its relative position in the category to which it belongs and/or other quality indicators.


In Leioa, on 23 May, 2024.

Montse Maritxalar Anglada
Pro-Vice Chancellor for Postgraduate Studies and Lifelong Learning 

Arantza Ibabe Lujambio
Head of the Academic Management Service