Admission on Doctoral Programmes

Admission on Doctoral Programmes

1. Admission period: 30 September to 11 October 2024

Once the admission application (pre-registration) period has ended, the Academic Commission of the Doctoral Programme will select the people who are pre-registered on the Programme in question.

In the case of people with foreign qualifications from countries outside of the EHEA, as well as being admitted on the chosen Doctoral Programme, they must also obtain authorisation from the Postgraduate Commission to pursue PhD studies at the UPV/EHU. The authorisation request may be submitted prior to the admission application period. In the event that the aforementioned authorisation has not yet been requested or granted at the time of submitting the admission application (pre-registration), the admission process may proceed conditionally, and the admission will be cancelled if said authorisation is not obtained within the established period for completing enrolment.

2. Notification period: 14 to 18 October 2024

Once the selection process has been completed, each applicant will be notified as to whether they have been accepted or rejected. They may also check their admission application status here.

Those who are selected will receive an email with a link to GAUR, which they must use to ratify their intention to enrol on the Doctoral Programme.

3. Period for appeals before the Academic Commission: 21 to 23 October 2024

In the event that a person is not admitted by the Academic Commission of the doctoral programme in question, they may appeal before said Academic Commission, including any arguments they deem relevant, within 3 working days (up to 23 October 2024).

These arguments may be sent by email to the person responsible for the Doctoral Programme, including the email address for administrative queries given on the programme's web page in copy.

4. Resolution period regarding appeals from the Academic Commissions: 24 October to 7 November 2024

The Academic Commission of the Doctoral Programme will decide on the submitted appeals and inform the interested parties of the final resolution before 7 November 2024.

5. Period for appeals before the Doctoral School: 8 to 12 November 2024

Following the resolution of the admission application by the Academic Commission, the interested parties may submit an appeal before the Doctoral School within 3 working days (up to 12 November 2024).

The appeal must be addressed to the Director of the UPV/EHU Doctoral School and it may be submitted by any of the following channels:

  • a) At the electronic register of the UPV/EHU, as well as in any other electronic registers or records of any of the subjects referred to in article 2.1. of the Law 39/2015 of 1 October on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.
  • At any of the UPV/EHU Registration offices.
  • At Post Offices, in the manner established by regulation.
  • At Spanish diplomatic posts or consular offices abroad.

6. Resolution period regarding appeals from the Doctoral School: 13 to 26 November 2024

The Doctoral School will decide on any appeals within a maximum of 10 working days, and it will notify the interested parties and the Academic Commission of the Programme regarding its decision.

An appeal to a higher authority may be lodged against this resolution before the Vice-chancellor or their delegated body, within a maximum period of one month, as from the date the dismissal was notified.