Statement of commitment
The functions associated with the supervision of a thesis are established in the commitment document, which must be signed by the doctoral candidate, tutor, supervisor(s) and the coordinator of the doctoral programme. This commitment must be signed within the space on one month from enrolment on the doctoral programme.
Any change of thesis tutor or supervisor will require the signing of a new commitment document.
Research plan and personal training plan
(Students enrolled for the first time prior to the 2024-2025 academic year are not obliged to establish a personal training plan).
With the help of their thesis supervisor and tutor, before the end of the first year from the date of enrolment, each doctoral candidate will compile a document that includes a research plan and a personal training plan.
This document must be updated at least once every academic year throughout the entire doctoral process, and must be registered in the doctoral candidate’s academic record.
The research plan must include, at the very least, the methodology to be used and the objectives to be attained, as well as the means and timeframe for the research activities to be carried out.
It must also ensure an adequate gender balance in all research activities that use animals or human beings, their data or samples as research material. Sex/gender variables must be taken into consideration in both the methodological design and in the analysis of the results, which must always be presented separately by sex/gender. Scientific justification must be given for any exception to this rule.
Each doctoral candidate’s personal training plan must contain an estimation of the different training activities to be carried out during the doctoral thesis (courses, seminars, mobility, etc.).
The research plan and personal training plan must include all activities that will be carried out in a non-face-to-face manner (subject to agreement by all parties concerned).
Every academic year, the doctoral programme’s Academic Commission will assess the customised document of activities and the document that includes the research plan and personal training plan, taking into the account the reports issued to that effect by the thesis tutor and supervisor.
If the assessment of the Plan by the Academic Commission is negative (always on the basis of justifiable objections), the doctoral candidate must be reassessed within a maximum period of six months, for which purpose they must re-write the document or documents that were assessed negatively during the first round.If the Plan is again deemed unacceptable, the PhD student will no longer be allowed to continue on the programme.
Document of activities
A customised Document of Activities shall be created for each PhD student which will outline all the training activities carried out during their time in the Doctoral Programme. The document will be generated automatically on the basis of the activities each PhD student uploads to the GAUR application.
Other Procedures
- (Opens New Window)Request for joint supervision of the doctoral thesis (pdf ,112,10 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Contributions provided for joint supervision (doc ,252,50 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Agreement reached by the Academic Commission of the Doctoral Programme approving the joint supervision of the Doctoral Thesis (doc ,64,50 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Request to change tutor (tutors) (pdf ,80,90 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Request to change tutor (PhD students) (pdf ,54,28 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Request to change supervisor (supervisors) (pdf ,77,26 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Request to change supervisor (PhD students) (pdf ,90,71 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Request to change time commitment within a Doctoral Programme (pdf ,62,00 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Request for an extension within a Doctoral Programme (pdf ,169,39 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Request to suspend doctoral studies (pdf ,86,42 Kb)
Request for reports from experts not affiliated to the UPV/EHU
- (Opens New Window)Communication from the doctoral thesis supervisor regarding their request for reports from experts not affiliated to the UPV/EHU (doc ,204,00 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Agreement of the doctoral programme’s academic commission with the expert reports (doc ,202,50 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Report from external expert (docx ,36,79 Kb)
Registration of doctoral thesis
- (Opens New Window)Thesis registration document (docx ,117,12 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Favourable report by all thesis supervisors for the thesis registration (docx ,105,47 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Favourable report by the thesis tutor for the thesis registration (this document should only be completed when the thesis tutor is someone other than the thesis supervisor) (docx ,104,69 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Authorisation by the Doctoral Programme's Academic Commission (docx ,329,91 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Favourable report by the Department (docx ,104,33 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Proposal for the members of the viva panel (docx ,111,93 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Statement attesting to not being in a position to be able to demonstrate six-year research periods or similar merits (docx ,95,60 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)PhD student’s file and thesis abstract (doc ,49,50 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Solicitud de Mención Internacional (doc ,71,00 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Solicitud de Mención Industrial (doc ,115,64 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Memoria de proyecto para mención de "Doctorado Industrial" (docx ,231,49 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Solicitud mención tesis en colaboración con entidad externa (docx ,59,40 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Solicitud C2 de euskera (doc ,94,50 Kb)
Thesis defence formalities
- (Opens New Window)Communication of the date of the viva (doc ,200,00 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)PHD degree certificate doctoral thesis viva certificate (doc ,201,50 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Form for submitting documents after the viva (doc ,203,00 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Viva panel's assessment report (docx ,99,75 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Agreement for publishing the doctoral thesis in the University of the Basque Country’s institutional repository (ADDI) (doc ,358,50 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Guidelines for choosing the copyright protection system (doc ,356,00 Kb)
- (Opens New Window)Cum Laude distinction and Extraordinary Prize (docx ,122,48 Kb)