Pre-enrolment on Doctoral Programmes

Pre-enrolment on Doctoral Programmes

PRE-ENROLMENT PERIOD: from June till 27 September 2024.

What do I have to do to pre-enrol on a Doctoral Programme?

Students must first pre-enrol online within the established time period.

To access the computer application you will need to use to pre-enrol, CLICK HERE.

To facilitate the process, we have prepared a tutorial which will explain, step by step, how to perform the pre-enrolment.

If you encounter problems during pre-enrolment, you should contact the person named as the administrative contact on the doctoral programme’s website.

For their pre-enrolment to be valid, candidates must submit the required documents online. If problems were to occur with the computer application, documents may be sent directly to the person named as the administrative contact on the doctoral programme’s website.

Candidates who, despite meeting the access requirements outlined in Regulations for Managing Official Doctoral Studies at the University of The Basque Country of 25 April 2024, are not yet able to apply for their undergraduate or Master’s certificate, may pre-enrol and will be admitted provided that, at the time of their enrolment, they are in possession of the corresponding qualification.

Documents required

General documents:

  • National ID card (DNI), residence card for foreign nationals (NIE) or passport (obligatory, except for UPV/EHU students).
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Photocopies of the personal academic certificates pertaining to all previous university official qualifications, indicating the marks and dates of all subjects taken.
  • Photocopies of the qualifications providing access to the doctoral programme or receipts showing they have been applied for.
  • DS or certificate of accreditation at SFQHE level 3 (Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education).
  • Documentation accrediting compliance with the specific requirements for access to the doctoral programme (visit the Programme Admission Criteria section).
  • Documentation accrediting merits, if applicable (visit the Programme Admission Criteria section).
  • Documents attesting to a degree of disability equal to or over 33% (obligatory for all candidates who wish to be admitted within the quota established for people with disabilities).

In addition to the documents outlined above, students with foreign degrees that have not been officially recognised must also submit the following:

A. In the case of degree qualifications issued by a university in an EHEA country

  • Sworn translation of documents accrediting official university entrance qualifications that are not written in Spanish, Basque or English (certificates and degrees).
  • DS or certificate of accreditation of level EQF 7 of the European Qualifications Framework. In the event that the certificate provided does not state that this qualification qualifies for access to doctoral studies, it must be accredited in one of the following two ways:
    • By submitting a certificate issued by their university of origin stating that the degree they have earned qualifies them to pursue doctoral studies in that country.
    • By submitting a statement of justification, written and signed by the candidate, providing information sources (websites, etc.) that accredit this fact, along with an affidavit stating that the documents submitted are authentic.

B. If the degree qualification has been issued by a university outside the EHEA, in addition to the previous documents, candidates must also ensure that:

  • Their official university degree certificate has been legalised/apostilled.
  • Their academic transcript includes the number of hours dedicated to each subject.
  • Certificate accrediting that the qualification qualifies for access to doctoral studies, it must be accredited in one of the following two ways:  
    • By submitting a certificate issuedby their university of origin stating that the degree they have earned qualifies them to pursue doctoral studies in that country.
    • By submitting a statement of justification, written and signed by the candidate, providing information sources (websites, etc.) that accredit this fact, along with an affidavit stating that the documents submitted are authentic.
  • Candidates must also submit written authorisation for pursuing doctoral studies at the UPV/EHU, issued by the UPV/EHU Postgraduate Commission. This authorisation is independent of the doctoral programme admissions process.