Titulo - Matrícula


Perfil Ingreso - Ingeniería Química

Admission criteria

Profile for admission

The recommended profile for admission to the doctoral programme in chemical engineering is of students who have acquired:

-Knowledge of unitary operations, thermodynamics, kinetics and reactors, product and process engineering, control and safety of plants and facilities, environmental technologies, economics and projects.

-The capacity to design and analyse equipment, reactions and processes, project management and supervision, as well as other knowledge (quality, environment, energy...).

The above knowledge and skills are associated with a degree or similar qualification in chemical engineering or master's degrees related to the fields of chemical engineering, environmental engineering, food science and technology, energy engineering and other related master's degrees.

As a scientific-technological working language, English language skills (level B2) are recommended, which will ensure the student can correctly notify the scientific community of the results.


XSL Content

The Doctoral Program in Chemical Engineering does not establish specific supplementary training. It is considered that the students selected by the Academic Committee are fully prepared for their training as researchers on the program, ensuring the acquisition of the envisaged skills in a satisfactory manner.
The UPV/EHU opens a pre-enrolment period at the beginning of each academic year for new doctoral students. Students must basically accredit the qualifications in the entry profile recommended for admission. The Academic Committee of the Chemical Engineering Program will issue the list of admitted students so that they can complete their enrolment. For further details, you can view the provisions of articles 6 and 7 of Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28 January, regulating official doctoral teaching, which are, in turn, included in articles 2, 3 and 4 of the Doctoral Management Regulations of the UPV/EHU, approved by the Governing Council, at the following address: http://www.ehu.eus/es/web/estudiosdeposgrado-graduondokoikasketak/doktorego-kudeaketa-arauak




Matricula Procedimiento Asignacion - Común

Procedure for assigning a faculty member as a doctoral thesis tutor and director

Once a student has been accepted onto the doctoral programme, the Academic Commission will assign them a tutor from among the faculty at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) participating in the programme, who will then be responsible for ensuring good interaction with the Academic Commission and adapting the training and research activities to the principles established by the programme and the Doctorate School.

Within three months of enrolment, the Academic Commission will assign each student a thesis director from among the faculty participating in the programme. The director may or may or not be the same person as the tutor, and will be responsible for guiding and ensuring the consistency of the training and research tasks, and guaranteeing that the topic of the thesis have an impact and make a novel contribution to the field. They are also responsible for guiding the thesis plan and adapting it, if required, to other projects and activities in which the PhD student is involved.  

If the director is not a member of the faculty at the UPV/EHU, the tutor will act as a liaison.

Doctoral theses may also be co-directed, and the second co-director may or may not be a member of the DP.  New tutors or directors may be assigned at any moment during the thesis.

For more information, see the procedures and rules.