Procedure adapted to the new regulation of doctoral studies published by the Basque Government, on June 7, 2024 (CHAPTER V. MOBILITY AMONG DOCTORAL CANDIDATES).
- IMPORTANT: every research stay carried out by UPV/EHU doctoral students must follow the procedure for outgoing stays described below, regardless of whether the stay is funded or not, or whether it is carried out within the framework of a mobility program with its own application procedures (e.g. Erasmus, Egonlabur, etc.).
- The mobilities carried out within the framework of an international mobility program, in addition to these regulations, will be governed by that of said mobility program, and respecting, if applicable, the Regulations on international student mobility programs of the UPV/EHU.
- When the entity hosting the stay of the UPV/EHU doctoral student requests the signing of a collaboration agreement, the provisions of Chapter XIV. Collaboration Agreements with External Entities will be followed.
- Conferences, seminars or attendance to congresses are not considered stays
--> For any queries, please, contact
IMPORTANT NOTE: doctoral students must submit all the documentation to the administrative contact of the doctoral program (see all
here), except for the certificate from the host university once the stay is over.