
If you are a doctoral candidate enrolled at Doctoral School of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and want to carry out a research stay at another university, please, follow the procedure described below.

Forms - OUTGOING stays



Clarifications and changes brought by new regulations

Procedure adapted to the new regulation of doctoral studies published by the Basque Government, on June 7, 2024 (CHAPTER V. MOBILITY AMONG DOCTORAL CANDIDATES).

  • IMPORTANT: every research stay carried out by UPV/EHU doctoral students must follow the procedure for outgoing stays described below, regardless of whether the stay is funded or not, or whether it is carried out within the framework of a mobility program with its own application procedures (e.g. Erasmus, Egonlabur, etc.).
  • The mobilities carried out within the framework of an international mobility program, in addition to these regulations, will be governed by that of said mobility program, and respecting, if applicable, the Regulations on international student mobility programs of the UPV/EHU.
  • When the entity hosting the stay of the UPV/EHU doctoral student requests the signing of a collaboration agreement, the provisions of Chapter XIV. Collaboration Agreements with External Entities will be followed.
  • Conferences, seminars or attendance to congresses are not considered stays

--> For any queries, please, contact international.doke@ehu.eus

IMPORTANT NOTE: doctoral students must submit all the documentation to the administrative contact of the doctoral program (see all here), except for the certificate from the host university once the stay is over.

Procedure for outgoing stays

STEP 1: Acceptance by the host institution

  • The doctoral student gets an acceptance letter from the host institution (signed by her/his supervisor in the host institution).

STEP 2: Acceptance by the thesis supervisor and UPV/EHU's doctoral programme (fulfill and sign Appendix III)

  • The doctoral student completes and signs Appendix III (download above). This must be signed by the doctoral student, the thesis supervisor(s) and the coordinator of UPV/EHU's doctoral programme.
--> Please, note that you DON'T NEED TO INCLUDE the signature of Doctoral School's representative in Appendix III. This signature will be added later by the DOKe.
  • Doctoral candidates who have signed a pre-doctoral contract with the UPV/EHU must obtain the corresponding license from the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Research Staff prior to the commencement of their stay. The Doctoral School will inform the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research at the UPV/EHU of any pertinent research stays.

STEP 3: Document submition to DOKe (Apendix III, insurance and health insurance card)

  • The doctoral student submits to the administrative contact o the doctoral programme (see all contacts here) the following documents:
    • Appendix III (signed, excluding the Doctoral School representative's signature)
    • Travel insurance covering the full period of their stay. This must include medical care for health issues and/or accidents, hospital transfer and repatriation to their country of origin in the event of illness, accident or death (More information about UPV/EHU's "Ibili" insurance here. Wep-gage in Spanish, information in English below).
    • European Health Insurance Card (for destinations within the European Union).

STEP 4: DOKe approves and registers the stay

  • The DOKe approves the stay and sends back Appendix III to the doctoral student, including the signature of the representative of the Doctoral School.
  • The DOKe registers the stay.

STEP 5: Activity report and certificate of stay

  • On completion of the stay, the doctoral student must write up an activity report on their stay at the host institution, which will be included in the Document of Activities to be updated during the academic year. They must also request a certificate of stay from the receiving institution for the purposes of future formalities requiring said document.
  • Doctoral student submits the certificate of research stay (signed by the supervisor in the host insittution) to international@ehu.eus​​​​​​.