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1. What is a doctoral thesis under cotutelle?

It is a doctoral thesis performed at two universities in different countries, each of which will award a doctoral degree after a single thesis defence.

A cotutelle thesis requires:

  • a supervisor at each university
  • the doctoral student to perform a stay lasting at least 6 months at each university
  • there to be an agreement signed by both universities specifying, among other things:
    • the specific periods of stay at each university
    • the supervisor at each university
    • the venue for the defence of the thesis
    • the composition of the tribunal
    • the thesis languages (written and defence)

[Adapted to the Regulations for Managing Official Doctoral Studies at the University of The Basque Country of 25 April 2024, CHAPTER X. CO-SUPERVISED THESES. Last update: 11-03-2025].