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Doktorego Eguna

The “Doktorego Eguna” will be held on 29th June at 11:00 a.m. in the Mitxelena auditorium at the Bizkaia Aretoa, Bilbao. This will be the first presentation event held by the UPV/EHU Doctoral School (DOKe), which was created in October 2019. The DOKe management team will present the event, which will include a guest performance by the bertsolari Miren Artetxe Sarasola, PhD in sociolinguistics.

The final of the “Open the door to our doctoral programmes” competition will be held during the “Doktorego eguna”, the aim of which is to inform people about the UPV/EHU doctoral training programmes. In this competition final, each team will present their video.

The “Doktorego eguna” event will be streamed


11:00-11:30 Welcome

The Director of the Doctoral School, Gotzone Barandika, will welcome everyone present in the hall and all those who connect via streaming, before offering a brief presentation about the DOKe and the UPV/EHU doctoral programmes.

The Deputy Director for Training and Students, Olatz González Abrisketa, will then explain the DOKe teaching project and introduce the guest speaker, Miren Artetxe Sarasola.

11:30-12:30 Video projection

Each participating team will offer a short presentation (maximum 2 minutes), after which their video will be shown.

12:30-12:45 Voting for the best video

The participating teams will vote for the best video.

12:45 Online voting closes for the first and second runners-up.

Online voting will close for the first and second runners-up, which has been open to all.

12:45-13:15 Panel deliberation

There will be a break so that the panel can deliberate.

13:15-13:45 Awards and closing ceremony

The awards will be given: winning video, two runners-up and two special prizes.

  • Vídeo ganador: equipo ZHEMCHUG
  • Primer accésit: premio al vídeo más votado por el público, equipo IKEA
  • Segundo accésit: premio al segundo vídeo más votado por el público, equipo ATLANTIKOA
  • Mayor enfoque transdisciplinar: premio otorgado por la organización, equipo DOKE IN MIND
  • Mayor carácter internacional: premio otorgado por la organización, equipo DOKE NEWS