Laura Vozmediano Sanz

Laura Vozmediano Sanz

Laura Vozmediano is a lecturer at the Department of Social Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology, at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, where she teaches in both the Psychology and Criminology degrees.

Co-principal investigator of the Crim-Ap research group, her research work focuses on Environmental Psychology and Criminology. Her work is related to the analysis and promotion of urban quality of life, trying to contribute to the debate and construction of safe, sustainable and friendly cities. From the perspective of Environmental Psychology, she focuses on the promotion of more sustainable behaviour; while from the point fo view of Environmental Criminology her research is oriented towards promoting safer cities for all collectives, so every person can enjoy public space without experiencing fear of crime.

She is co-author, along with César San Juan, of several books such as "Criminología Ambiental: Ecología del delito y de la seguridad" and "Guía de Prevención del Delito". Moreover, she is author of more than 30 articles and several book chapters. She has been awarded with the I Prize for promoting young researcher of the Spanish Society for Criminological Research, the IV Pinatel Prize to the best research on Criminology and the Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Prize (2009-2010) at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.

Nowadays, she is vice-rector of Undergraduate Studies and Teaching Innovation of the UPV/EHU.