

International Center for Research on Delinquency, Marginality and Social Relationships

Established in 1993 by an agreement between the ISC and the University of San Sebastian, the Centre was created to promote research and development about migrations of populations, mainly in Europe, and their connections with marginality and delinquency. The Centre also provides training for students and young researchers from the European countries.

Since January 2006 the DMS International Centre is directed by Professor César San Juan.

Research Team on Applied Criminology

(A category Research Team of the Basque University System, 2016-2021, code IT973-16)

The research team is economically supported by the Department for Education, Linguistic Policy, and Culture of the Basque Government since 2013. The research team has been evaluated as category A team in the last summons, between 2016-2021.

The principal investigator is the Prof. César San Juan. This is a multidisciplinary Team where researchers have background on Criminology, Social Psychology, Behavioural Sciences Methodology, and Sociology, allowing us to study the aetiology of delinquency from a cross-disciplinary and multi-level point of view and to examine its relations to marginality and social relationships.

In this website, you will find information about the staff, research lines and activities of the group.